
Responses from peter_s

Warmest sounding Green Mountain speaker?
Roy is extremely generous with his time.  And should not have to waste it any further with justifying himself or his products against kenjit's claims.Maybe eight years ago I helped out a friend wanting to buy a stereo.  Based on threads on agon, I... 
Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions
There is a great deal on Harbeth P3esr's on Agon right now, with stands, for an excellent price.  I don't think you could go wrong with them. 
Cleaning a scratchy volume control...
I guess I should open the unit up and look for an entry point to spray into the attenuator from the housing?  Or first just take of the knob and see if there is an access point along the shaft?  Thoughts? 
best bookshelf speakers for < $2000?
What does have deep bass is Dynaudio c1s and totem mani-2s.  Really impressive for monitors. I am sure there are others. Both require lots of power 
Can a apple airport express be part of a audiophile system?
I meant "newer" as in current version 
Can a apple airport express be part of a audiophile system?
The Newark airport express does not work with the newer saber dacs . Before forewarned. You were better off with an older airport express that you can buy on eBay. 
Dick's / Dave's picks
You won't actually hear the wall of sound on the recordings, but perhaps it influenced their playing.  I don't think so though.  I favor everything from 1970-77, with just a tad less love for 72.  My suggestion is that you get a trial membership f... 
Apple Airport Express oddity with new (to me) Arcam AVR350 receiver
You can get yourself an older generation AE for cheap on eBay.   
Apple Airport Express oddity with new (to me) Arcam AVR350 receiver
If your new DAC uses the Sabre chip (e.g. 9018) you're screwed. The latest generation AE fails with the Sabre.  I think it's a jitter issue. The older walwart AEs still work fine with the Sabre DAC. Even worse, the issue is AE firmware. Apple know... 
Best for recording records?
 I have heard recordings made on both of the benchmark and the ayre converters, and they both sound really good, but the ayre wins out in preservation of subtle details, especially in regards to locational information  The ayre is just so darn exp... 
Why doesn't audiogon send notifications of offers and messages?
And I am specifically referring to emails sent to the poster or message recipient outside the Agon system, not when you sign into Agon... 
Zerostat near cartridge?
So if the cartridge sits at say 5:00 relative to the platter, in what location is the gun?  I assume pointing in towards the spindle... Thanks. 
Zerostat near cartridge?
Do you mean that you hold the gun at a point of origin near the cartridge but face it away from the cartridge?Do you need to power down your equipment or just mute it? 
DAC/Preamp with Balanced Outputs $2500 new/used
Yes I did.  The nuprime and benchmark were way better than the nad, which was better than my original wyred4sound dac2. The ps audio perfectwave dac was very close to the benchmark too, but I wasn't getting the best out of the applicable range of ... 
How about an ayre integrated?