
Responses from pcoombs

amp question
Oh well with eight reply's none of which really addressed or answered the specific at all. Ive come to the conclusion that it's 1) it was a rather lousy and pointless question, not worth asking in the first place! or 2) no one so far has really ev... 
amp question
At last finally back of work! I rather rushed the original question during the last 5 mins of my lunch break ( hence the uninspiring title!) To clarify. This is not necessary something I'm considering doing. I was just interested in hearing from a... 
Beautiful Monitors?
My wife loves the looks of my Harbeth monitor 30s above all other speakers I've ever shown her for the very reason that they look like what they are meant to be. A classic and clean lined box speaker instead of trying to look like something its no... 
How many Takemitsu piano recordings are there?
I have this recordinghttp://www.amazon.com/Takemitsu-Complete-Works-Solo-Piano/dp/B00005AWI2 
Good looking and nice glass speaker stands
Quaidraspire QX might interest you. Although made from acrylic not glass.http://www.quadraspire.com/product_range/qx/page1/index.html 
burning a cd with track numbers removed?
Thanks a bunch! worked perfectly . Really appriciate it. 
burning a cd with track numbers removed?
Hi Synthfreek, thanks hadn't noticed this. However its in 'light grey ' at present. How do I get it 'Black' so I can select it. Sorry if the answers easy I'm a bit of a idiot when it comes to computers. Sufentanil yes if all else fails I have to b... 
opposite to Supra
Just noticed an error in my original post. I meant 10 foot rather than 10 meters. 
Which preamp is good for mcintosh mc275?
I also concur with nsgarch. I use the latest SS klyne 7 system ( with balanced inputs and outputs) with my MC275 to great effect. 
advice re: hum and passive distribution bars.
Thanks for the advice Jea48 I'm going to try it. Just to be certain I understand the bare wire should attach between and connect to both the receptacles by just pressure after (tightening back down) onto the bottom metal body work ( supporting str... 
advice re: hum and passive distribution bars.
Ok, heres the update, tested lines with volt meter. Definitely both circuits on same leg. which is good .All screws in outlets where fully tight. I tried all three components on one circuit only, both with and without cheater plugs throughout with... 
Advice on stacking equipment
Ok I think I'll put the stacking idea on the back burner. I'm also thinking of putting all the equipment along side each other. How close do you think its safe to go before interference kicks in? 
advice re: hum and passive distribution bars.
thanks for the post Kirkus , I'll try and get a voltmeter soon . I'm presuming that they come with two probes so I can insert them into both 'hots' at the same time.? Not quit sure what you mean when you asked "Are they wired to two physically sep... 
advice re: hum and passive distribution bars.
Kirkus, I don't think I explained myself very well, The two breakers I'm using are both on the left hand side but have a different breaker between them. So its the top one and third one below it. Thanks again for interest. Philip. 
What Solid State PreAmp?
I'm very happy with my Klyne 7. Beautiful build quality and design. Matched with a tubed Mcintosh MC275.