
Responses from paulwp

Solid state amplifier $2K Used or New
The Muse 160. 
Digital Support
I'm searching for an analogy (no pun intended), and I keep coming back to Star Trek. Only, instead of holograms, I want to ask about the transporter. Anyone think it will ever be possible to capture the totality of a live being in bits and re-mate... 
Does EVERY component need break-in?
Every component that does not sound good to you right away needs breaking in. I think that the concept of break-in time is a post-sale customer relations tool used in the retail trade. The non-believers say that after a while your ears should adju... 
Great upcoming Los Angeles events
I never heard of any of em, but Ive been to McCabes. 
Music that You Have JUST BOUGHT, and can
I was shopping for food today at Costco (big membership discount warehouse) and there it was staring me in the face, along with two Eva Cassidy cds, $11.49 each. The confusion about the title of the cd is explained by the artwork on the inside of ... 
Which IC is more important?
More important. I couldnt edit even though it was the last post. 
Which IC is more important?
I have to jump in here about this source as being most important idea. Although RGD's pithy advice is on track as far as electronics go, Leafs is in error when he says that your source is more important than your speakers.If your goal is accuracy,... 
Music that You Have JUST BOUGHT, and can
Colm, I was kidding. Many of us have named the "Lucinda Williams" (white cover reissued on Koch) or "Car Wheels. . ." among our favorite cds. Nice of you to call attention to the new one.I intend to buy this new one when I make my next Amazon orde... 
Music that You Have JUST BOUGHT, and can
Eh? You heard it before you bought it? 
Best CD player under 5000
It isnt funk or jive. It's Doug's own original method of annoying people. I've gotten used to it, so it doesnt bother me.Interesting opinion Doug. I have listened to a lot of cd players and quite a few preamps, and come to the opposite conclusion.... 
Best speaker in nearfield listening
Hiflyer, the Harbeths are often compared to electrostatics in their midrange clarity. More dynamic with sufficient power. The AP Virgos would also be a great choice, one you might prefer if imaging and soundstaging are paramount. Only thing is, I ... 
The "right" speaker
I was waiting for that Doug. But he hasn't given us enough info. Depends on the attitude of his head in its listening position, left side furnishings versus right side, and, of course, whether his components are on the left or right. 
The "right" speaker
Hiflyer, the HL Compact 7ES is a rather large box, 520mm h, 273 w and 315 d. That's about 20 inches high by 11 wide by almost 13 deep. The Monitor 30 is a bit smaller, 460-277-285, about 17-11-11.5. To find the dimensions of their speakers you nee... 
The "right" speaker
The Harbeth Compact 7ES and slightly smaller but more expensive Monitor 30 are world-class mid-field monitors (stand mounts) with the clearest least colored midrange around. Ive heard a lot of speakers, including many mentioned above, and wouldn't... 
Stereophile's refusal to review more low
Odd response, Bmpnyc (what is your name anyway?). You go out of your way to insult me when all I did was try to reconcile the competing views here. I said no criticism was intended and I did NOT say "advertisers control reviewers." I have no reaso...