
Responses from paulwp

Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?
The reference to "toasting cables" on the signals website is found by going to prices, then cables, then scrolling down to the white text on a dark picture background.706 and Steve were militant wire-is-wire trolls who wouldnt let people ask for o... 
Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?
Now, otoh, someone I have a lot of respect for, and from whom I bought some speakers a few years ago (see the website at, does recommend some kind of cable cooker. So, you never know.What would be interesting here is if someon... 
Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?
Twl, we don't agree on much, but the Con. BD2a integrated unit was very good. The Armstrong receiver I mentioned pre-dated the 626. It was a smaller unit that looked like a table radio. Rolled off in the bass and upper treble, very nice midrange. ... 
Is it worth it to buy the Cable Cooker?
The quality of the thoughts expressed on this and other topics by the person who advocates the cable cooker above, in this and other forums, inclines me to believe that you would be wasting your money on such a device. Moreover, my friends in the ... 
Have You Ever Put Your Golden Ears to the Test??
Every time I make a change. Sometime during my mis-spent youth I suffered brain damage that affected my short term memory (you know like forgetting where you put your car keys). So every time I switch one cable for another or one component for ano... 
I can't really hear a big difference
Dennis, some people, some of them real professionals in audio design work, some experienced reviewers, and a whole lot of just everyday music lovers, maintain that you cant tell a difference between any two modern cd players in a blind test with l... 
Design an entire system for $800? ?
Acoustic Energy Aegis One speakers (or whatever the latest gen of this speaker is called), inexpensive wooden speaker stands (like Sanus, you can find them by doing a Yahoo shopping search), 12 gauge speaker cable from Hoem Depot or Radio Shack, o... 
METAL or WOOD speaker stands?
There are three schools of thought on speaker stands: (1) high mass and high rigidity = steel (or concrete, corian, cinder blocks, etc.); (2) low mass but high rigidity = lightweight metal or wood; and (3) low mass and low rigidity (wood or stacke... 
Anyone recommend the best small speakers for cheap
The AE1 is a high end minimonitor that sells for a lot more than $239. The Aegis One sells for $229-299, and is a terrific speaker for the money. If you are looking for a speaker in the under $300 range, in addition to those mentioned, the Aegis O... 
Greatest American Rock and Role Bands of ALL Time
The questions were: Who are the greatest American Rock Bands of All Time???????????? Who is THE Greatest of all time?Many of the names above were not rock and/or not American. There have been dozens, maybe hundreds, of really good, even wonderful ... 
Listening Through Walls at Show: Vodoo or Valid?
There are a lot of things you can learn from listening in another room. A system that sounds clear as a bell, with realistic tonality, dynamics and bass reproduction heard from an adjacent room should sound even better in the sweet spot. Sort of a... 
Blue - Like Keb Mo
Not all that similar, but I bet she'd like Terry Evans. 
Cheap speaker tweak
Peter, is that a question or a hint? Nobody has mentioned height yet. The primary (some say only) function of a stand is to get the tweeters up to the right height, based on where the listener's ears are. My speakers are designed to be used with t... 
Recommend speakers
Epos M12's. See the blurb at But if in the US you can buy from Joe at (I do not own these speakers.) 
I turn the big Half-Century today
Well, there's always Eva Cassidy. But, I continue to recommend the Stone Coyotes, a small rock and roll family band fronted by a 50-something singer/songwriter (Barbara Keith, her husband Doug Tibbles and his grown son). Church of the Falling Rain...