
Responses from paulwp

Speaker priority: high or low???
Nrchy, no, Im sorry, I mistyped. It's Jim Croft, who worked for Carver. He is also a Harbeth user. Somewhere above I got the impression that amps v. speakers was the main point of the thread, but I see in your original post you did ask about other... 
Speaker priority: high or low???
2 different questions here. Which is most important (and the question above was re amps and speakers not source and speakers). If you dont think speakers are more important than amps, then you havent been paying attention. But that's ok, enjoy you... 
What's the best dirt bag speaker you have heard?
I did get a chuckle out of your response DK, maybe it wasnt so obvious. 
What's the best dirt bag speaker you have heard?
David, that's too obvious an answer, but I am offended, since I know which senator you're referring to (a fellow Buddy Holly fan) and I wouldnt call him a dirt bag.Best regards,Paul 
What's the best dirt bag speaker you have heard?
Steve, "RCA" is just the brand name they put on the Radio Shack speakers now. I am guessing that you bought the Pro LX550 or something like that with a Linaeum-designed ribbon tweeter. Linaeum made a really nice little speaker years ago, very clea... 
Speaker priority: high or low???
Perhaps we arent audiophiles because we dont believe that everything matters and snicker a little every time we see the word "synergy," but many many people think that speakers are the most important component in an audio system. This is because t... 
Vinyl and slurring S'es
Not sure what you mean by slurring, but if you mean instead of ssss you get thh or stch or anything like a lisp, the vta may be too low or the records were damaged by tracking too light. If you get a zzzz sizzle, the vta is probably too high. Mist... 
SEPT 11?
Twl, how do you not make enemies when you call patriotic American citizens "enemies" for using an innocent word in the title of a song that other people misuse for their own perverted reasons?Now that I'm (maybe temporarily) over my depression re ... 
Is a offer of -20 percent on an OBO ad insulting?
20% under is not an insult. I listed some speakers a long time ago and got offers at 50-60% with "advice" that I was way overpriced. Those were insults. I kept the speakers, sold them years later for little less than I had paid for them, and recen... 
wilson benesch ARC vs. Harbeth compact 7ES? Advice
Well, I'm not sure anyone has heard both, or if they have what they were listening to. The Harbeth Compact 7 is significantly larger than the WB Arc, not really compact at all. It does not have an etched high end. Its midrange, delivered by an 8 i... 
SEPT 11?
Obviously, moderating this thread is having no effect. To Audiogon, please just let people say what they want to say. To everyone else, please refrain from finding fault with each other and arguing.Of course, Nrchy, pray if you will for those who ... 
What kind of amp?
Now I see you asked for integrated. Some of the above and my amps are basic power amps. You want a high-powered integrated. If you like Creek and have a smallish room, I know C7 users who are happy with the 5350se (I think that's what it's called). 
SEPT 11?
For whom shall we pray? If you are so inclined, let me offer a suggestion or two. Pray for those who lost their lives in the attacks and for those who gave their lives trying to save others. Pray for those who willingly enter harm's way to protect... 
What kind of amp?
Pyun, all of the amps recommended above should be fine. I assume you mean Harbeth HL Compact 7ES. As a Harbeth user, you might want to go to the Harbeth website and either join and ask your question or just browse the user group messages as this q... 
New Eva Cassidy - "Imagine"
I havent heard the new cd enough to make up my mind, but I have some impressions. If you are an Eva fan (I certainly am), you will want this cd. If you have never heard her before, you should start with the earler cds. Friends of mine say they bre...