
Responses from paulcreed

Initial disappointment with 1st set of “expensive’ IC’s...
jl1ny, looking at the dates of your post you have less than 2 weeks on your cables. Personally I wouldn't even listen to them for another 2 to 3 weeks just run them 24/7 on another system or rig a system in the garage and forget about them for a w... 
Got a Node 2i, what's next?
I was really surprised how dacs respond to better feet. If you want to try to squeeze a little more resolution out of your node give it a try. I know my CD player benefits due to the transport but had no idea how big of an improvement some fairly ... 
Got a Node 2i, what's next?
OP, I owned a TNT long ago and then tried the Classic 3 they are very nice tables just not for me. I really like my Exemplar Audio tube Oppo 105 it's a very analog sounding CD player. I was content with cd and vinyl. I tried streaming just for bac... 
Got a Node 2i, what's next?
I came from same place as you mostly vinyl, hot rodded lp12 and Herron phono. Since you mentioned r2r the MHDT Orchid might work. If you can solder caps are very easy to switch out, you can use 6922 and 6sn7 adapters which can help not being boxed... 
Best Bang for your Buck DAC ?
A lot of good suggestions, I tried the Qutest used and thought it was very nice but sold it. I bought a demo RME  from sweetwater and really like this dac and still have it. It is crystal clear without being sterile, its warm with big bass and doe... 
Low gain dac!
I had same problem with a Bruce Moore preamp with Goldpoint step volume control. Each click was to much gain, either to loud or not loud enough. I couldn't go past 8:00 or 8:30. My suggestion may not help but but I'll give it a shot. I had Goldpoi... 
How much difference in Sound quality can be expected from different streamers?
First thing I noticed when going from laptop to streamer to different streamers was significant drop in noise floor. After that each has a different sonic character. I don't understand how some can't hear a difference. 
What do I need to spend coming from an all-vinyl setup?
If you can find a used Lumin U1 mini for $1200 to $1400 or an Auralic streamer with femto clock for $700 to $800 used. I found MacBook noisy as a streamer. A nice R2R dac since your coming from vinyl. $1500 for a new Audio Mirror dac or if you can... 
Well tempered Classic Platter issue
35.1 belt 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
Johnathan Edwards, not a big fan of the song but I remember it from when I was a kid and it always been stuck in my head. Think the songs name is something line, Sunshine Go Away Today? "you can't even run your own life I'll be damn if you will ru... 
Amperex 6922 overkill?
I haven't bought any 6922 type in a few years, so not up on pricing. Don't have a 6922 amp anymore but have found I like the Bugle Boy best as an all around tube for the money. Brent Jesse has a version of bugle boy that is cheaper than perfect pr... 
Who else is using old cables/interconnects, and is happy?
Still using Audience au 24 speaker cables and interconnects, TG Audio (Bob Crump) speaker wire and a silver power cord, Tara Labs The One power cables. JPS Labs Superconductor digital cable, power cords and interconnects, Acoustic Zen silver ref 2... 
Need thoughts on how to Best Max SQ when Streaming?
The "cheap ass foam things" may need to go. I've always found rubber dulls or smears the sound. On the cheap side if you could find some black diamond racing cones or golden sound ceramic cones they will clear things up. Golden Sound still has a p... 
A DAC that ought to be better known: RME
Mofojo, I did compare the Pardo vs stock after a few months of break in. Pardo expands soundstage, improved spl in the room, midrange became much more natural and put nice weight and body on the highs, it just made everything more musical, bigger ... 
A DAC that ought to be better known: RME
If you check out headfi forum they have an on going forum on the RME and most do not believe an upgraded lps will help. They say "RME doesn't recommend it" So I guess everyone believes different. I bought the RME and waited about 2 weeks for Teddy...