Responses from patrickdowns
Speakers - Your "Safest" Choice gnoworyta - How do you like your Van Alstine 225 monoblocks? I have been interested in them (and the Schiit monos). Thanks | |
Building a dedicated listening room Thanks for not minding me tagging you, @mikelavigne ! I know your room has been an evolution. It would be great if a magazine updated a story on it, bringing it to the article that chronicles the evolution. I was hoping you would do w... | |
Building a dedicated listening room This is an older article on @mikelavigne ’s amazing listening room, which has continued to evolve (as has his system). I don’t know it there are any more recent articles. I haven’t been to it, but it and Robert Harley’s rooms certainly must be two... | |
Streamer Comparison and Suggestions I use the Sonore microRendu with my Small Green Computer (SGC) Roon core/server, and am quite happy, but have considered moving up to the OpticalRendu. The SE is above my budget but has gotten excellent reviews. You obviously have a handle on net... | |
"Squaring The Circle"...Hipgnosis Documentary on Netflix I have a softcover oversized book called "The Album Cover Album" showcasing the great album cover art from back in the day. Hipgnosis has many images in it...they were great. Very creative! | |
Help me spend $100,000 on a new system Mike skyscraper You are welcome. I wish I would take my own advice or be able to overcome indecision! I would like to do what you are doing. @tomic601 referred to speakers with equalization, and since he (and I) are Vandersteen owners (and he’... | |
Help me spend $100,000 on a new system How can you really do this now, you don’t even have a room and much of what determines what you use will depend on the room and it’s characteristics? GREAT point. Don't forget the use some (more than a little) of the money on building or treati... | |
Help me spend $100,000 on a new system Yours is an enviable situation! 👍 Do you like your Magicos? The speakers are such a key component, and if you like the Magico sound—I heard the A5 at a show, paired with a fine Constellation integrated amp (and Aurender streamer), and the sound w... | |
Streamer software, what do you use? ROON, via Small Green Computer sonictransporter server and a Sonore microRendu (which will get upgraded to an optical Rendu maybe). Are there streamers with their own OS that sound better than Roon, like the $20k Aurenders and others? Maybe. I am... | |
VANDERSTEEN dealer in Tacoma WA has reopened under new ownership audioconnection John, I really hope to visit you someday. This is what I love about all the Vandersteen dealers I have worked with and know—just very nice, kind, supportive people. Cheers. | |
VANDERSTEEN dealer in Tacoma WA has reopened under new ownership Excellent, northbeach! I really want to buy some Treo CTs from Victor. I wish for him great success. | |
VANDERSTEEN dealer in Tacoma WA has reopened under new ownership @tomic601 - Jim, I know you go way back with them! I volunteered to come down and help him paint the store, but I think he was shy about accepting. I really wish him well—he is such a good and hard-working guy. If I lived closer and was more quali... | |
VANDERSTEEN dealer in Tacoma WA has reopened under new ownership @tomic601 - I spoke to him today, and he sounds pumped. I look forward to a visit. | |
"The Ultra High-End Speaker." Good review of the Salon 2: And, they're on sale at a great price via Music Direct! $7500 each | |
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best, @mijostyn Re "There is no such thing as a perfect room." I’ve followed the evolution of Mike Lavigne’s room for over a dozen years, and I doubt that many people will ever get closer to a perfect room. I’d love to visit it. Hat tip to M... |