
Responses from patrickamory

Reference Monitor Recommendations Help-Please
Try the VMPS 626Rs. 3-way monitor with a gorgeous ribbon midrange that handles the frequency range from 166 Hz to 10 KHz, so that the crossovers occur outside the crucial areas. I own these speakers and think they're astounding. Start at $1500 a p... 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
Wow, it gets worse. Popped in a pair of Chinese EL-34s, and now the OTHER tube won't get warm at all. But tube in place of the bad one glows properly. Tried switching a third tube into the other tube's place and still no luck - something in the ci... 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
Ouch - inserted replacement fuse, restarted the Io, and one of the EL-34s started glowing bright red and emitting a burning odor. Sounds like I've got a bad tube :-(Will report back after I replace the EL-34s. 
Best cartridge under $450? No Grados please
Let me put in another vote for the Dyna - incredible cartridge for the price. In my system the Shure did not touch it. Caveat: I used the 10x4, the predecessor to the 10x5.Patrick 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
AJ and Frank - I guess I should clarify. I'm a big believer in system synergy. I have no doubt that the tubby or tubey bass is coming from the Dynaco - I could hear that when I switched the amp in a few months ago. That bass compensated for a cert... 
I have seen the light. should give you a start! 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
Well -- odd experience, I left for work (just a half day today), and left the Io turned on. Got back 4 or 5 hours later, put on a record, and no sound. No hum, no music audible even with the volume cranked. Same through my headphone amp. All the t... 
Aesthetix IO vs. Manley Steelhead vs. The Groove
I shouldn't even comment yet. I just got an Io Signature and literally installed it 10 minutes ago. But the music has just jumped out of the speakers and filled the room - warm, rich, huge, intense, colorful. (It's an early '70s recording of Congo... 
Am I brushing records wrong?
On the noise:Get the Disc Doctor's Miracle Cleaner. By far the best record cleaning system on the market. It will make a tremendous difference on new records. A vacuum. machine will simply make it more convenient, not better. It's not expensive ei... 
Am I brushing records wrong?
Touch, say, the metal cover on an outlet (the cover!) or a light switch - make sure they are metal, not plastic.Patrick 
Am I brushing records wrong?
Matt,Yes, you are brushing wrong. Carbon-fibre brushes work by harnessing static electricity - which simultaneously causes the dust particles to adhere to the edge of the bristle, and de-statics the record.Hold the brush perpendicular to the spind... 
How to find better pressings
Watch out for Japanese pressings - they can be good on jazz and classical, but not always, and the rock mastering tends to be tipped up on the high end - I find it bright.Japanese vinyl is amazingly quiet, but they rarely worked from original mast... 
Schroeder versus Tri-Planar
Cmk,When I ordered the motor, they were still one company (named Redpoint). Then Peter and Thom parted ways (amicably as I understand it, mainly due to the physical distance between Arizona and Colorado). Peter kept the Redpoint name, and Thom nam... 
Analog a dying breed
Man, I just can't listen to CDs for more than an hour or two. For me, vinyl isn't sentimental - it's a necessity.Patrick 
Schroeder versus Tri-Planar
Thanks Doug -Actually the Redpoint/Galibier comparison is apt, because that is a Redpoint motor. I switched it in in place of the AS stock AC motor and it is a big improvement. The turntable is unbelievably solid (too solid when I need to move it!...