
Responses from pani

Experienced audiophiles best speaker
Analytical is not always revealing, it is a sound which has such kind of distortions that it does not sound like music but just sound. Some may also call it "dry", which I did find in the Harbeths but along with the dryness it had a presentation w... 
Which purist interconnect??
Fusion Audio Romance IC1.For quite a few this has become the last interconnect upgrade, having tried it out in my system, I can see myself going in that direction. While I know what its flaws are, I would still call it flawless simply because I ra... 
Experienced audiophiles best speaker
music lover speakers = Harbeth, Spendorsaudiophile speakers = wilson audio, magico, DynaudioSpendor, Yes but Harbeth ? Not at all. Harbeths are both extremely colored and analytical, thats a rare combination. It is colored on the thick/fat side to... 
Experienced audiophiles best speaker
ATC !!!You really need some experience to get it perform. If you do not have the experience, be rest assured that you will learn a lot, and anyway get the "experienced" tag 
Magnepan 1.7 or used Totem Forest
Please consider that Totem Forest is pretty difficult to drive an control. You need a very beefy amplifier and they put lots of bass (bit artificial to my ears) which needs a big room to be consumed. Overall Maggie is far superior if you can keep ... 
Which speakers have the biggest soundstage
I agree on the tube part. Look at electrostats or hybrids with Electrostats. You cant beat them for soundstage open-ness: 
Is new better than old?
An older Dynaudio would be better than a new PSB, Monitor Audio stuff. Anyway, here is a boutique brand which makes some of the most cost effective yet high performance speakers: 
Which Telefunken 12ax7
I have a pair of Raytheon 5751 black Plate with Windmill Getter. I upgraded from a Telefunken 12AX7 smooth plate and this one blew me away for its extremely low noise floor and ultra detailing, yet retaining a very liquid smooth sound. I have neve... 
Pass labs X-350 Love it or hate it
Has anybody ever compared a Symphonic Line to a Pass Labs ?Should be a great shoot out between the creation of two geniuses. 
Why is high capacitance good?
Thanks for the info Al. 
Who makes a GM-70 based SET?
Thanks for the response guys. For some time now I have been contemplating using a good tube amp with my ATC SCM40 but most people discourage me trying mate an 85db 8 ohm speaker like ATC with tubes. I knew about SAC Thailand and their products. I ... 
Why is high capacitance good?
Thanks for the world of info you have provided Al, very rarely do I come across such meticulously written technical posts.Just one last question, could you please suggest what range of figures of Capacitance, Inductance and Resistance do you consi... 
Who makes a GM-70 based SET?
Has anyone compared the sound of GM-70 vs 845 tubes ?Seemingly they both are used to build tube amps with high power, but both have different origins hence should have a different signature sound. Can someone shed some light here ?Sibelius, does y... 
Why is high capacitance good?
Also, how long an IC is okay to use in a decent hi-rez setup ? 
Why is high capacitance good?
Al, I have heard that it is always best to keep the speaker cables as short as possible even if it means one has to use longer interconnects to get the power amp closer to the speaker. What is your take on this ? I always thought since IC carries ...