
Responses from pani

Reimyo DAP777 or Dodson 218 ?
"I've never heard the adjectives "spicy" and "cooked" used in a hifi review. First time for everything, I guess. "Yaa, I am a foodie :).Spicy = ExcitingCooked = TweakedRoxy54, I also had Audio Note on my mind but I know they will lack the resoluti... 
Elrod vs MIT
Nirodha35, on which equipment are you using the Statement Gold cable ? 
Art Dudley Listening - Stereophile Dec '09 Nordost
I can see their reasoning in using low end power cables because in my system, they made the least difference.So, this is a problem around power cords. Most if the entry level power cords are nothing but basic electrical wire with a nice jacket hen... 
What is the best power cable under $200.00 retail?
Okay, I have experimented a lot in this domain and what I realized is when your budget is too low for a power cord it is best bang for buck to buy a decent copper electrical wire or some neotech wire off the loom and terminate it with high quality... 
ac cable for cd transport
The biggest difference/improvement I have heard from audiophile power cords have always been on my transport. Try it, you are on for a surprise. 
Acrolink Digital Cables : How is the sound ?
It is interesting that even though the Acrolink cables are very well known and top tier, there is very little info and opinion on these cables :( ??? 
Acrolink Digital Cables : How is the sound ?
Thanks Eritech, if I say my system is very neutral and would not mask or add much, what would be your suggestion. If I have to be specific, do you think the highs tipped up in these cables or are they simply very extended ?There are cables which a... 
Vandersteen 5?
Ljs_fin, as far as Krell and the reviews are concerned, a review is worth something only till you have not auditioned an equipment. Once you have had extensively listened to an equipment, no reviews hold nothing.I have heard the 400xi in at least ... 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
Accuphase, Plinius, Symphonic Line, Dartzeel, TRL (Transistor research labs), Exposure all these would give you the kind of sound you are looking for. 
Vandersteen 5?
While the Vandersteen 5 are great speakers, the Krell 400xi is no where close to the musicality of the class A Krell amps. In fact 400xi is a wannabe and highly compromised. Krell wanted an entry level player which doesnt sound harsh and thats all... 
Tannoy VS Dynaudio
Another thing, Dyns require beefy but neutral-warm sounding amplification, something like a Pass, Plinius or Odyssey. 
Tannoy VS Dynaudio
I have never heard a Sim gear but I have heard the Tannoy, Dynaudio and Primaluna. One thing is Dyns always come to their own when playing loud in a relatively larger room.It is then that you kind of appreciate what they do best. But in a smaller ... 
Any impressions? Morrow SP-3, Straley Reality
I have tried both. The Mogami 3103 speaker cable is leagues ahead of both these cables for both musicality and neutrality. 
speakers for a smaller listening room
ATC monitors. 
Fusion Audio Romance series cables
Yes, I use the Romance IC in my system and they are awesome. Talk about the 3T (Tone , Timbre, Texture), PRAT, soundstage, transparency or dnamics, these interconnects have them all in amazing proportions. The best part though is the kind of body ...