
Responses from pani

Zanden 6000 integrated vs CJ ET5/LP125 pre-power
kolatab, the Zanden defienitely sound more like my preference. I did hear the CJ combo couple of days back. It was nice but not great. Thanks for the information. 
Beethoven 9th by Solti, best LP pressing ?
Thanks. I picked up the UK Decca pressing.I was also thinking of getting a Mahler symphony series of LPs. Which conductor would you recommend ? 
Zanden 6000 integrated vs CJ ET5/LP125 pre-power
Has no one heard the Zanden ? 
Can SMPS based preamps/amps sound organic ?
The complete Naim portfolio relies on their ability to provide various levels of linear power supplies. Primarily the quality of regulation decides the price of their PSUs 
Why is an XA30.5 a bad match for Revel Ultima Salon II speakers?
@bombaywalla , your calculations make perfect sense. I was just wondering if there will be any improvement if the OP uses 2 x XA30.5 in a biamp configuration ? I am not talking about bridging the amps to use as monoblocks but actually using proper... 
Can SMPS based preamps/amps sound organic ?
Some times this whole game of primitive vs modern without the consideration of "sound" feels like a trap. 
Wavac it worth $10k ?
Hi Raul,Your analysis is quite correct. Let me explain. I am rebuilding my entire system keeping only my existing speakers, TT, tonearm and cartridge intact. Previously, I was using a SS phono with tube pre-power. But with my speakers I will be mo... 
Can SMPS based preamps/amps sound organic ?
Hi Bombaywalla, hope you are doing well :-)I started this discussion not because I was imagining things, at least thats what I would like to believe. I had some experiences around SMPS based equipments within my own system. I had a couple of CDP f... 
Klyne vs 47 Labs phono stage
Thanks guys for keeping the discussion going. I now have the Klyne 7 preamp with phono with me. It is indeed a very special unit. This is probably the closest I have heard a transistor having tube like qualities without losing the transistor virtu... 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
Now here is a serious new turntable... knows a thing or two about turntables, arms and cartridges.And gosh....what are those?They look l... 
Lenco and Garrard external ac power supply
Jean Nantais highly recommends Monarchy Audio AC regenerator with the Lenco. I bought one of the Monarchy AC regen. I have tried it with Nantais Lenco and my Garrard 301. In both cases the improvement is substantial. Cleaner, smoother sound with a... 
Klyne vs 47 Labs phono stage
I agree that not many would have compared the 47 labs to the Klyne in their systems. Lets put it this way, where does a Klyne stand compared to current $5k-$8k phonostages from brands like Whest, Pass Labs, Avid, ARC etc ? 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
Pani,Perhaps you should take note of an audio designer who actually designs and sells tonearms and turntables.....Someone like Frank Kuzma who makes the 4 Point and Airline tonearms and whose top-of-the-line turntable uses a separate armpod.I’d be... 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
Dear @pani: Now that you have several opinions on your main subject thread: which was your choice? Dear Raul, the fact that this question occured to me even though I am a layman when it comes to technicalities of analog playback is an indicatio... 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
In a typical cutting lathe is the cutting arm mounted on the same plinth as the platter or is it on a platform ?