

Responses from paladin

Speaker height vs ceiling height
My basement ceiling is about the same height as yours.My speakers are 5' with no problems.Don't think I would try anything taller in a speaker, but I could be wrong.BTW - Which 6' speakers were you thinking of? 
French Doors
French doors do have glass which is probably not a very good idea.If there in no electrical on either side of the rough opening (32 1/2") You can install 2 pocket doors. 
What does it take to qualify as a reviewer?
Great thread!I resent the remark about used car salesman, but to each his own opinion.I do agree with about 95% of the answers & would add an ego the size of Kansas. 
Hurricane Irene
I'm getting plenty of company this weekend from Long Island.I sure hope they like jazz! 
CD's vs Vinyl - Finally hear the difference
CD's are great- FOR BACKGROUND MUSIC!For serious listening - Nothing can match vinyl.I listen to music 8-10 hours a day.While on my computer it's CD's in the background for 6-8 hours as I don't have to get up every 15 minutes & flip & clea... 
What are your favorite phono cartridges?
The Clearaudio Insider Reference Wood.In almost 50 years of analogue & the hundred or so cartridges I have owned - This is the very best cartridge I have ever heard. 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
I owned both the VAC Ren. Sig Mk. III 140's & the VAC Ren. Sig. Mk. II pre with phono in one system.I even $pent $5,800 to retube the 140's with 2 matched octet sets of WE 300B's.Probably the best sound I have ever heard!To this day I think it... 
Amps for Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage
VAC Ren. Sig. Mk. III 140's were the best I've ever heard with the Strad's.Electrocompinet Nemo's were also great.Currently using Goldmund 29.4's & am much more than satisfied. 
What is the Diffrence in these AC Receptacels
Make life easy on yourself.Go with the Porter Port 20A.I received 3 of them on Fri. & it took me all of 20 minutes to install them all.You can spend more or you can spen less, but these do the job very, very well. 
Sonus Faber - Stradivari - Amp and Pre
Think you are putting the cart before the horse.If upgrading the amp & pre is not in the cards - What will you do if the mix is wrong?Your amp certainly has enough power, but I would suggest a tubed pre for warmth.On the other hand - If you're... 
Best amp for Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?
I had a pair or Amati's (original) & now have the Stradavari's.The best (TUBE) sound I had with both were with VAC Ren. SIG. Mk. III 140'S amps paired with a VAC Ren. Sig. Mk. II pre. Probably the best sound ever in my system!I now run the Str... 
Goldmund mimesis 9.5 and Wilson system 8
The Goldmund 9.5's should @ 250wpc drive the Wilson's with ease, aplomb & authority.Goldmund amps are known for speed, transparency & extreme bandwidth.I hope you are auditioning them in your home & with your equipment.If so, I think t... 
What's wrong with 6-7 ft tonearm wires?
Should be no problem especially if going balanced into the DM10.Great pre & phono section - I run everything balanced on mine. 
Lively and Dynamic SS Preamp...
The Halcro DM 10 has all you will ever want or need.Fantastic MM & MC phono + balanced & single ended inputs & outputs for everything including phono.$7K range here on the gon. 
What do you NOT plug into the power conditioner...
Everything but the turntable.