

Responses from paladin

Keep or sell Yamaha PX-2 turntable?
Agree with Peter - Try the PX2 with your Dynavector & give it a spin. 
--- have you ever seen these speakers before???
I agree with Tom 100% - The guy (seller) wants you to audition them for yourself.$800 is not a ton of money to drop for 4 speakers & if they are your cup of tea - You got yourself a great deal. 
Revel Salon 2 or Raidho
I think a 5 hour drive + 2 hours to demo & 5 hours return home is a half day very well spent.If the Raidho speakers fill the bill - You can take them home with you & be done!I drove 4 hours each way to pick up my SF Amati's about 10 years ... 
Multicore CPUs: Any risk to audio quality?
You can also go with a liquid cooled system - I only hear mine on boot up. 
Great Trumpet Players and Albums - recommendations
Anything by Doc Severinsen!My favorite LP of all time is Doc Severinsen with the National Philharmonic Orchestra 1980 on Firstline - digitally recorded Cat. # 51-3018. He plays his heart out!On CD - Try Trumpet Spectacular 1990 Telarc Digital CD-8... 
Best AMP for SF Amati?
I have had both Amati's & Strad's.Tubes seemed to work best with both.I tried SS Nemo's & they sounded great, but the best sound I've ever heard was with the VAC Renaissance Sig. Mk. III 140's using WE 300B's! 
Help with buying used Sonus Faber Cremona m
SF/Sumiko will be of little to no help as you are not the original owner = No info or service or warrantee.Sending $,$$$ to Poland & shipping cost will not be cheap.There must be a pair of Cremona M's here in the states that you can afford, bu... 
Power up my Cary tube integrated?
Power it up & see if it works - Then keep it or sell it! 
Wrong speakers
The Einstein amps are OTL, so go with 8 ohm speakers as a 4 ohm load will decrease the power of the amps to about 40wpc & if the load goes a tad lower - the amps will have a fit!Find something 8 ohm & 90db & the amps will raise the hai... 
Looking for integrated amp with phono for starter
You may just like thishttp://app.audiogon.com/listings/solid-state-lsa-standard-hybrid-int-amp-150wpc-w-phono-stage-new-5yr-warranty-2013-11-19-integrateds-98005 
Do you indulge when listening to your rig?
A few Beck Sapphire beers between 3 & 6.After dinner some XO & a Trinadad Fundador sets the mood for vinyl. 
Doc Severinsen and Ernie Watts concert tour...WOW
Doc is de man & there is no better!I play his LP with the "National Philharmonic Orchestra" almost everyday (4 copies) 1980 Firstline Cat. # 51-3018.His CD "Trumpet Spectacular" Telarc CD-80223 is almost as incredible!He is the one & only ... 
Cartridge for 45's
Would probably be best to go with a mono cartridge as most 45's from the 50's & 60's weren't recorded in stereo.ENJOY! 
Whats the ultimate 300b or 211 set amp 36watts rm
Have you heard the VAC Renaissance 32 watt? 
Booker T + MGs
Halcro, thanks for sharing - I do remember them very well!Great performance & truly outstanding musicans.Here's one of my favorite groups - The first 3 songs are truly awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=caxpy...