

Responses from paladin

Best speaker for vocals
Try Sonus Faber 
Raven vs. Verdier La Platine
My Verdier La Platine with a 12" Da Vinci Grandezza arm made a few believers of my friends that bought the Raven with Triplaner VII.If you do go with the Raven - get the Grandezza as it's probably the best arm made. 
Guitar's...what do the audionuts play?
Breedlove CM Classic SE, Breedlove King Koa with MOP Mermaid, Breedlove Northwest. 
Outstanding brands?
I prefer some of the "older" VAC amps & pre.VAC Ren. Sig. Mk. III One Hundred Forty amps mated with a VAC Ren. Sig. Mk. II pre amp with phono (still current) & add in 2 matched octet sets of WE 300B's + a pair of Sonus Faber Stradavari's &... 
Sonus Faber Amita's: Is my room big enough?
Hi Paul, Take it from me - I had the Amati's in a room similar/smaller than yours (12' X 21' X 8') & they fit in very well & sounded great.So great in fact that I sold the Amati's & bought the Stradavari's!Depending on your budget - I ... 
Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?
Sonus Faber - The sound is AWESOME & the look is FABULOUS!VAC - The build quality & the sound - I have some of Kevin's best work ever.Denon Receiver & Universal player for HT - They work great together.Pioneer Elite Pro Plasma - Simply... 
Basic electrical questions.
3 prong 15 amp outlets are under a buck a piece - 20 amp outlets are about $5 each.You will need a sub panel to run your dedicated lines.While you're at it: You may also want to run another dedicated line to run your TV/AV/HT system in another roo... 
How to determine Preamp "Power"? VTL 5.5 vs BAT SE
To my understanding as explained to me by a tech from Conrad Johnson: EL34's are best for monitors.Are your speakers monitors or floorstanders?IMHO: I would go with the BAT SE for the power amp & the dual chassis VAC Ren. Sig. Mk. II pre amp (... 
Marble with cork
I use 24" X 24" granite with mdf platforms under my SF Strad's with great results.I bought them from Paul @ Adona Corp.I could now position the speakers much easier (by myself) as well as have them closer to both the back & side walls with bet... 
Has anyone tried refinishing your speakers.....
Hi Ravi, Remember you'll have to remove the multiple coats of lacquer to get to the wood!You can attempt it yourself & if it does not come out right, then have them done by a pro.I know that I would not attempt this myself on my Strad's.It's l... 
Best looking Amp/Preamp/Integrated?
I'll take the older VAC Ren. Sig. (Granite Faces with Gold Specks & Gold Knobs) any day.The sound is out of this world which make this combination very hard if not impossible to beat. 
Hi End rack really deliver?
Would suggest that you check into Adona Corp. Their racks are modular, extremely sturdy & have a very high WAF.BTW - You will hear a difference! 
From Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1 to ?
I had WP 6's & traded up to SF Amati's.Took me all of 2 hours of listening to know that I made the right decision.You seem to have enough power & room for them.You'll give up a little bottom end, but you'll be rewarded in spades with mids ... 
How can we settle for digital?
Digital is fine - For background music as I work & do not have to leave my desk to flip, clean & cue every 20 minutes.I normally listen to digital about 5 hours a day.When it comes time for serious listening - I sit in the sweet spot &... 
Best Componet rack for large Tube Amps
Hi Roger, So they finally arrived!I suggest that you call Paul Lemanski @ Adona Corp (Agon member) & discuss the dimensions with him.I have the 140 Mk. III's & they are longer & heavier than the dimensions you posted above.I had him ma...