

Responses from ozzy

Dark Grey convuluted foam
Chadnliz, yes thanks. It looks like it only comes in the color natural(whatever that is) 
Dark Grey convuluted foam
Ryder, Thanks for the response. I do not have a problem with high frequency at all.I was thinking of soundstage depth. With my Big Sony in between the speakers, I am sure that limits my options. Covering the TV while listening to music is ok, but,... 
Dark Grey convuluted foam
Thanks for the responses. The stuff from Foam by mail looks like the stuff I was thinking of.I dont know if I need it as much as I thought it would look cool behind my speakers.I also thought the idea was to have a dead end behind the speakers and... 
Do we believe in Machina Dynamics?
I can understand the wise comments , some of the comments are pretty humorous. The names of the items,(brilliant pebbles, clever clocks ,etc) seem to make them even more mysterious , strange and kinda ridiculous. Ryder, I dont mean they increase t... 
Do we believe in Machina Dynamics?
Getting back to the original question. Yes, I think the Brilliant pebbles are usefull. You can purchase a x-large bottle for about $20+ on an auction. Placing 2-3 of these in your room helps dial in the soundstage and supports the bass response.Do... 
Best short-lived band?
Bad Finger 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
Victor .y previous set up contained.no preamp.Once I added your preamp the center image shifted. 
Review: Allan Maher Power Enhancer AC filter
I have re-installed the Alan Maher and the Noise Destoyer units only in the bottom outlet and plugged the components only in the top of the outlets. I have also once again, removed all the Quick Silver Gold off all of my contacts.The Noise Destoye... 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
Sherod, Thanks for the reply and suggestion. 
Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier
I just receieved the 2.1RPNB for trial , plus interconnects and power cord with the Seimans tubes. The unit was well packaged and looks well built. Unfortunatly, I will be out of town most of next week. First impression, there does seem to be a sh... 
Vandersteen 5a or Eggleston Andra II
I just recently purchased the Andra 2's. I also visted the Eggleston Factory where they are made. I believe they had the Savoy there under construction they also had there $100,000 speaker under construction ( I forget the name )none to listen to ... 
Review: Allan Maher Power Enhancer AC filter
We live in an area where their is enough distance between houses that each house has its own transformer. I dont know if that really matters though.I will still fiddle with these units in different places inside the home. Perhaps on the Frig and C... 
Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner
Thanks, but I hate my brother in law. 
Review: Allan Maher Power Enhancer AC filter
Sherod, None of my Audio Components are plugged into the Hydra 8 just Video.I have my Pass Labs Amp and APL Player(no Preamp) going into seperate dedicated outlets. This is because , I thought the Hydra 8 also resticted dynamics. From my Video, no... 
Review: Allan Maher Power Enhancer AC filter
Alan, Thanks for the extra instructions, they were surely needed.At the present time I have removed all the Alan Maher and Noise Destoyer units and everything sounds better. Better dynamics and high frequency. I will print out your guidlines and s...