

Responses from ozzy

Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner
Sherod, I sure will keep you guys updated. Leica man , I think the Noise Destoyer depends on where you place it. I have 3 dedicated lines.One for my APL 3910 digital Player , one for my Amp, a Pass Labs x 350.5 and one for my Hydra 8 which all my ... 
Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner
Jen, chill...I received the units today, thank you. I wasn't really complaining about the wait and I do not think it was a gross exaggeration. It took several weeks to get it.Thanks for the info on installing the unit. 
Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner
My PE order from Allan Maher was sent out last Friday after waiting several weeks. I ordered 2 of them.I hope to have them within the next few days. After the Noise Destoyer experience and knowing that Alan Maher units also take about a week to br... 
What's up with the 'Piano' gloss????
I love my Piano gloss Andra 2's ! 
Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner
I tried plugging the Noise Destoyer into the same dedicated outlet that my APL Player is plugged into.For over a week I couldnt figure out what had happened to the treble and the dynamics. I blamed it on the Quick Silver Gold paste I used on my co... 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
" Got sick of my job, sick of my wife, sick of my future and sick of my life. Jumped in the car and hit the gas , told everybody they can kiss my ___" Glen Frey from No fun aloud CD, the song is Party Town. 
Vandersteen 5A barrier strip question
You also may want to try a bare wire jumper to a Combo Spade/ banana adapter. That will alow you to use any type of speaker cable. 
How Much Is Too Much?
I too have found myself not playing music quite as loud as I used to. Also, my tastes in music is changing. I am 54.Some of this is attributed to having better equipment now that can pull me into the music rather than the music blasting at me.Howe... 
Ann Arbor, MI.
Northern Monroe County- Berlin Township.Is the Ann Arbor club still active? 
Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner
Well I just tried the (ND) Noise Destroyer on the wall duplex outlet with the Hydra 8 plugged into the other ,and the Sony HD is still plugged into the first outlet in the Hydra 8.The result: HD TV not as good as plugging the ND into the first dup... 
Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner
I agree it really should be plugged into the same wall outlet as the Hydra 8. However, that wall duplex outlet(wattgate) is also used with my APL 3910 which I do not plug directly into the Hydra. By plugging the Noise Destoyer into the the Hydra's... 
Von Schweikert Vr 4sr Tubes a good match?
I used mine with a Pass labs Amp. The Amp gets pretty hot, so I think these speakers require power. 
Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner
Krell man, I have mine plugged into my Hydra 8 in a outlet that my Sony HD Shares. My Audio is on different circuits.Everything matters in Audio and probably Video. With my Video set up ,I am using Quick Silver Extreme Gold contact Silver paste on... 
Eggleston Andra 2 owners
Mikelll, Dev also is leading me down the path of the Sistrum Platforms. They are expensive , but so are the speakers. Dev said they are easy to install. Did you find that true?These speakers are extremly heavy, how did you get the platforms undern... 
Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner
Krell man. Wow, interesting. I have seen the most improvement on my HD TV.Do you have yours plugged into a outlet that the TV shares ?