

Responses from ozzy

Valhalla spkr cable good match Pass and Legacy ?
Teajay, Jwpstayman,Thank you Gents for the kind Help. I will persue all the recomendations.I just cant understand why so many reviewers, review equipment with them. 
Purist Dominus Ferox vs. Liquid
Tvad,How about if I use a Ferox Power Cord and a fluid interconnect. Is that better than 2 ferox cords? (power cord, interconnect) 
Purist Dominus Ferox vs. Liquid
I have been trying to find this out also. It seems to me that the fluid should improve the midrange and the Ferox should improve the dynamics.I have bought a Dominus Ferox power cord that is great!I have been considering Dominus Ferox interconnect... 
Tuff question= Banana plug to adapt to Spade ?
Bdgregory,I am going to look into the Daytons, sounds like an option if not just a inner step. But, Nsgarh's advise is heard and understood. I have a APL Denon going direct via Cyberlights P2A to the Pass Labs Amp (no preamp). I am using Legacy Fo... 
Tuff question= Banana plug to adapt to Spade ?
Thanks, I have thought the item should look something like that spade compression. On the set you refer to , wouldn't the banana plugs get squeezed and compressed thus reducing resale value?? It seems that all the spade needs is a proper banana ja... 
Can Epiphany X plug into extension cord, what loss
Sorry to say this but...The Electrglide Epiphany X is probably not a good choice for a Pass 350.5 Amp power cord. The EG Epiphany X is a great cord for a CD Player or a Preamp but not for an Amp.I know , I own the Pass 350.5 and a Electraglide Epi... 
A review Bound for Sound for Pass Labs fans
Muralman1,Could you explain what you just posted ? 
Double your pleasure with same cable throughout?
Going with the same cables through out the system is only good if you are using the Equipment from the same Manufacturer product line.If not, each Component must stand on its own when it comes to its indivdual Cable needs. Some cables will let you... 
Pass amp break in methods ?
If you are going to leave your amp on, just play music from say a Cable tv source. Why screw around with the resistors ?I own a Pass 350.5 Amp, I did not like it playing all the time just to break it in quicker.I just kept track of the time I play... 
PAD Venustas
I agree that the newest cable is probably getting the attention. But,I have been trying really hard to audition a Veustus bi-wire set of speaker cables. No dealer so far has them to audition, and has no plans to obtain them. 
PAD Venustas
A recent converastion with a big time Purist dealer commented that there are very few Venustus cables being sold. Most sales are going towards the Aqueuos.For what that is worth. 
Pass Labs users. Next upgrade?
350.5 is a awesome sounding Amp. Dont hesitate, go for it!I have read many threads descibing the 350 or the 250 as being hard in the midrange.I have also read that the 350.5 version excells in the midrange. So, I bought one to use with my APL Play... 
Pass X1 / X250 - how to get a bit foregivable ???
I think you should upgrade to the .5 version. I own the 350.5. Best Amp I have heard.There is not a hint of harshness, very mellow sound,almost tubelike. 
Lifting speaker cables
Maybe nothing for sound quality improvement, but the cables look neater and cooler sitting on top of the porcelin holders. 
Please recommend CD player w/volume under $5500
APL Denon 3910. Awesome sound.