
Responses from ozfly

How's this for a dose of reality???
Congratulations Nighthawk!! You've been dancing near this from the get-go.Sean, what is the audio term? An Allison Wrench??? ;-) 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
That's the life Marakanetz! 
How's this for a dose of reality???
P.S. During my somewhat anal need to research the question, I ran into this very nice history of hi fi -- there are two parts:http://www.nutshellhifi.com/library/tinyhistory1.html 
How's this for a dose of reality???
It's gotta be Roy Allison (unless it's the founder, Charles Fowler). 
How's this for a dose of reality???
It sounds like it could be a speech. Before the IEEE meeting? I'd guess that whoever wrote it was peripheral to the topic -- probably not an audio reviewer or dealer. I'm thinking it's a manufacturer who wasn't getting a fair shake -- thought mayb... 
How's this for a dose of reality???
I'll guess Julian Hirsch (that's just what I was thinking Psychicanimal). The article seems to be at least 30 years old -- it is succinct with fine grammer and vocabulary. I initially thought the 1950's but I don't know if the consumer shows were ... 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
Sean, fortunately I'm still in shape ;-) I wonder how long it will be before I'm down to three or four brain cells. If it gets to that point, I hope they're the right ones! I'd hate to remember every Abba song but not remember a thing about audio,... 
vpi jmw tonarm rust yes rust
Todd, please be sure to let us know how VPI resolves your issue -- I would expect that they will. It must feel awful to spend a lot of money on something and then be surprised with a problem that should not be possible. I can understand why you mi... 
There is a Santa
Good luck. It pays to be good ;-) He's keeping a list and checking it twice ... 
Are There Any Inherent Advantages to Class A amps?
Gs, I generally agree. I stopped short of recommending that Mitch should go for the Class A because there are simply too many design characteristics that influence overall sound. There are clearly A/B designs that beat A designs -- that was also m... 
Are There Any Inherent Advantages to Class A amps?
Thanks for the references Tripper!I have an amp that can be switched from pure A to A/B with a toggle switch in the back. I move it to A/B sometimes instead of turning it off (it runs much cooler in A/B). At other times, when the music is strictly... 
Remembering Jerry
Every great musician leaves us far too soon. I'm looking forward to meeting him when I pass on (I hope it works that way). In the meantime, I'm enjoying his music and his ties. 
How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?
I check Audiogon out from work at lunch -- probably about 15 min or so. Audiogon is the first thing I look at when I'm home -- I kiss my wife hello about an hour later ;-) Folks, just kidding -- I'm ill but not insane. 
What Music Takes You There?
Hi Robm. I've not heard of 4 Generation of Miles -- what kind of music is that? Thanks. 
Best JBL's you have heard
1975 -- custom built cabinets with JBL professional 15" woofers and pro horns for the midrange and top end -- very large midrange horn (12-15 inches wide). That was hooked up to a Crown preamp and McIntosh amp. I can't recall the turntable. Wow! I...