

Responses from outlier

Monitors for Bryston 4B ST
I've been using B&W Nautilus 805s with my Bryston 4bst, and Sonic Frontiers Line 3. I used to find the 805s slightly lacking in soundstange and rage, but the new addition of the Line 3 opened them up a lot further. I'm now very happy with the ... 
Headphone Amp
I use a Musical Fidelity XCans V2 tube headphone amp with my Sennheiser 600s (about $270 new I believe). I find the combination great, and prefer it to the intenal Headroom headphone amp on my Sonic Frontiers Line 3. Good luck. 
Tube Replacements for SF Line 3?
Thanks Garfish for the advice. I think I might get some Valvos soon. I hear that that's what the new SE edition will be coming out with as well. Cheers,John. 
USED D/A - worth the effort?
Guys:IMHO, I wouldn't recommend spending the money on upgrading the DAC. I recently acquired a new MSB Link DAC III, with upsampling upgrade to 96mmz, and the upgraded Monolithic Power Supply. I'm using a Pioneer Elite DV09 as a Transport. I have ... 
Are Homegrown Interconnects shielded??
Doug - you're right, the balanced configuration may weight in the KCAG's favor. Hence, the silver lace may be better when compared apples-to-apples. Cheers, 
Best speaker a wife would tolerate
Not sure what budget you're looking at, but I've a few recommendations - B&W Nautilus 805, Nautilus 802, and Sonus Faber Concerto. They are all great at the pricepoints, and seem to score high on the femme factor. My girlfriend bought our pair... 
Are Homegrown Interconnects shielded??
I have both the silver lace and the Kimber KCAG in my system, and to be honest, I still prefer the Kimber. It may be that it has been broken in for longer - it has hundreds of hours on it, while the silver lace has perhaps only about 30 hours. I h... 
Class Action Suit against UPS?
Yes, I was awaiting delivery of some Stealth PC Premier Speaker Cables, and was tracking the package online. The day I was expecting the package, expecting a line item like "Delivered", instead I saw this "Code ...." something meaningless like tha... 
Liked the Nautilus 805 but found better?
Gthirteen, what electronics are you using? This could be the source of your bass concerns. I have a pair of Nautilus 805s, and am using Bryston amp & preamp. I've been pretty happy with bass. The Bryston gear (particularly the power amps) are ... 
Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever
Have to agree with Marklivia. The "Coors" are damn good looking (especially one of them - can't remember what here name is) Being Irish, I'm biased though :-) 
B&W N804 System Upgrade - Cary CD?
Have to agree that the processor is the weak link - a good preamp will take you to the next level. I have Nautilus 805, Bryston 3bst, and by far the biggest upgrade was going from an Arcam integrated amp (used as preamp) to a Bryston BP20 - totall... 
Hidden Audiophile Classics
If you can handle dance/club music, try the sountrack to "Run Lola Run". I like a wide variety of music, including classical, and I'm not a dance music junkie, but this CD is brilliant. It demonstrates what my system can do better than any other C... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
I've noticed a few people mention Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata in this thread. I strongly recommend a CD called Stokowski Encores (BBC Philmarmonic), where, amongst other gems, there is an orchestral version of the Moonlight Sonata that takes this... 
Horrific crackeling at power down...!?!
Mezmo, I've had this specific problem just as you described with the left channel of my Bryston 3bst. I wonder whether there may be a design flaw in the Bryston gear? I contacted Bryston, and they advised me that I likely had a 'mute' problem (wha... 
Best Turntable at $1,500? Please Advise.
Guys, thanks for the great advice. As per Frogman's advice, I think selling my preamp and getting a pramp with a phono section would be a smart first move (also wanted to get into tubes :-) and then I'll get the turntable. Again, seeing that this ...