

Responses from outlier

Teres Turntable Support - concrete, wood, rack...?
Thanks guys for the input so far. Lugnut, that is an amazing rack you put together - yes it definitely looks like it does the job very well, and it looks fantastic. I'd definitely be interested in looking at building such a rack, although I've no ... 
Arm Upgrade to Morch?
Thanks guys for the input so far. Mmm, I'll definitely think about it. Also, one more question, would I need a larger or smaller hole in the armboard to accomodate the Morch? I believe my OL Silver is fitted to a typical Rega size hole. Thanks,John. 
Are my Virgos efficient enough?
Thanks for all the extra input. Well, I just got delivery of the KR Audio monos, and holy $%*#, they are good :-) They seem to work just fine with the Virgos, so my itch to upgrade the speakers is abated for now. the thought of some subs & SS ... 
Are my Virgos efficient enough?
Thanks guys for the input - all interesting stuff. I'm probably a little weary of moving to horns, if the bass will suffer, especially because I'll be using the amps to watch movies as well as listen to music (I know they're not ideal amps for HT,... 
Are my Virgos efficient enough?
Thanks Gregm for the thoughs. Just to clarify, when you say you've listened to the Virgos with my amps - do you mean the KR Audio (the ones I'm getting), or the Blue Circle BC2s (the ones I have). Yea, I reckon a more sensitive speaker may be a be... 
Best Power Conditioner
Thanks for the input guys. I have to say, I tried the Bybee filters on speaker cable before, and was disappointed - but it could have just been system synergy or something. Also, for reference, I'm using 47 Labs OTA Sakura cable for interconnects ... 
hdtv antenna
You might want to check out avsforum.com and view their HDTV threads - more info that you could wish for. Key questions are where you live, and more specifically, can you get line of site to a nearby transmission tower based on how you intend to m... 
Help me find a new HDTV...... for $3500
You might want to consider a CRT projector. Following all the research I did, I went for one - an Electrohome 8500. Check out AVSforum for more info. For your budget you can get a 100inch screen and better quality than an RPTV, Plasma or DLP etc. ... 
Can I integrate 5Ch Surround with my Stereo setup?
Dave, thanks for the confirmation! Cheers, 
Can I integrate 5Ch Surround with my Stereo setup?
Hi Folks:One follow on question I have is that my current power amps (which would drive the front speakers) have a relatively low output/gain compared to many other amps on the market. This works great in conjunction with my high gain preamp (best... 
Where does a sellers responsibility stop?
I recommend pointing the buyer to this thread, if there is any more unpleasantness. He should see that there is a consensus opinion on your side of the argument. I also suspect that the buyer has very little experience on Audiogon buying/selling e... 
Cables Supratek Chardonnay
I use 47 Labs OTA Sakura with my Supratek Syrah. I find them very good, but I haven't compared them to much. Some users changed from Valhalla to the OTA, so I kind of use these based on faith that they're very good. Check out the long thread on th... 
New preamp or other suggestions?
I used to have your pre/power combination. I quite liked the BP20, and didn't find it too weak a link - the bryston stuff can be a bit clinical and dry though. Following the BP-20, I moved to Sonic Frontiers Line 3 and really noticed a huge differ... 
speaker cables for audio physic virgos
I've been using 47 Labs OTA Sakura for my Virgo IIs. Its a cable kit which is quite minimalist in design. The cable is only .4mm thick :-) The kit retails at $600, but it covers all your cabling needs, including three sets of interconnects. I thin... 
Can I integrate 5Ch Surround with my Stereo setup?
Thanks for the clarification Dave. All sounds great - it's a relief to hear I can explore the HT/Surround path, and still leave my stereo signal path unaffected. Cheers,John.