
Responses from orgillian197

48kHz vs 96kHz: audible?
It is possible that JRiver Media Center's downsampling was done poorly and became more noticeable than if it had been done correctly. A lot of what we "hear" comparing different resolutions is dependent on how familiar we are with the music being ... 
Vote Your Ranking -If you have an opinion on this digital subject
SACDs and high resolution flac files (24 bit) downloaded from various internet portals are roughly equal to my ears, with some exceptions.   
How does solo piano help you evaluate audio gear?
In the beginning days of "perfect sound forever" CDs, it was easy to notice how, even on better record labels such as ECM, DG etc, that acoustic pianos sounded un-natural, sometimes "rounded off" with bizarre high registers, distortion, etc. I fo... 
Michael Aday (Metloaf) has passed away.
Todd Rundgren agreed to produce Bat Out Of Hell because he thought it’d be a funny Bruce Springsteen parody, and eventually got stuck with the recording tab after a deal with RCA fell through, then Todd’s label Bearsville turned it down, as did ot... 
Do we really know what "Live" music sounds like?
Do we really know what music sounds like? There are as many different answers to that as there are listeners. Every succeeding generation finds its following one's music to be lesser, even unlistenable, compared to their own (classic rock perhaps ... 
Not manufactured any more.
Spica TC-50s  
Ridiculous assertions that someone is being ripped off or conned
In seeking a "better" version of musical truth from their systems, there are some who are willing to try and/or buy items and/or different set-ups. There are those that, for whatever reason, seem threatened by the very existence of said items/set-... 
One big reason why brick and mortar high end audio dealers struggle.
I am a retired territory sales manager (not in audio) who saw, over the years, how some business persons "get it" and are successful no matter where they are, some are lucky enough to have a great location and are successful until they aren't and ... 
REMINDER: tighten up your loose screws
I have a pair of Spica TC-50s I no longer use but recall having to snug every screw on them from time to time as the music would loosen them. 
Buying the right tool (aka gear) the first time...
Just like any other hobby, the amount of self education about what's available, how it works and what it costs is essential with the added caveat here of what does it sound like? If you have friends close by with good systems you can learn more mu... 
Seeing sounds and music.....
At its best, music is a language. Proper reproduction of it makes it easier to understand & enjoy.Synesthesia has been described by both John McLaughlin and Robert Fripp, and experienced by composers Messiaen, Skryabin, and Liszt, along with o... 
What were the radio stations of your youth that helped you on your music/audio journey?
Tidewater Virginia area early to late 70s - WGH FM classicalWOWI FM Progressive rockWNOR FM More crunch, less nuance to their rockWMYK FM A mixture of WOWI & WNOR that replaced the former when it changed formats.Cleveland Ohio early 80sWMMS-FM... 
Would your familiarity with the music played effect your test performance?
I agree about ECM - for decades they've maintained a consistent, very high level of sonic quality. At one time years ago, I would just buy any vinyl releases on the label I saw for sale regardless of my familiarity with the artist and was rarely d... 
How do you listen?
I'd be curious to know how many among us experience tinnitus regularly.While there are factors other than exposure to loud noises that can cause it (heredity, high blood pressure, etc), it appears that our ears tell us what a suitable volume level... 
Magnepan service shut down
Every manufacturer in the US is experiencing parts and supply shortages - from car manufacturers on down. Two main reasons are covid effecting overseas factories and container ships backing up due to labor shortages in the ports. There is also a s...