

Responses from oldschool1948

Technics 1200 G a Forever Turntable?
I had an SL-1600MK2 for over 35 years.  The 1200G will definitely be my last one. 
DAC's Made in the USA
I tried the NAD M12 Pre/DAC, Mytek Liberty DAC, and Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE DAC before settling on the PS Audio DirectStream DAC.  The Tubadour is a wonderful sounding DAC; the DirectStream DAC sounds better and more analog like.  
DAC finalist please help
+1 Audio Mirror Tubadour III DAC.  Call Vlad direct.  You might get a deal on the SE model, which is an excellent DAC. 
How old are you?
72, 73 Feb 7th 
what are your cartridge set up go to
I use the Feickert protractor.  Took me a while to understand how to really use it.  I'm satisfied with the results I get.  
Experiences Selling Stuff On Audiogon?
I’ve had excellent buying and selling experiences on Audiogon and US Audio Mart.  I only buy from people with a good selling history.  I only sell to people with a good buying history and/or verified PayPal account. I don’t try to sell high-end ge... 
Are all of these NOS tube inventories real? How have we not consumed them already?
I'm new to tubes.  Where's a reliable place to find Tungsram PCC88 / 7DJ8's 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
I went from an Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE DAC to a PS Audio DirectStream DAC.  While the Tubadour is a very, very good DAC, the DirectStream DAC sounds closer to my analog rig; it is also smoother with more detail.   
Using 15 Amp Power Cord in 20 Amp Receptacle
Thanks everyone for your input.  Everything is hooked and working fine (and better). 
Using 15 Amp Power Cord in 20 Amp Receptacle
Currently, I’m using the power amp in a 15 amp receptacle with no issue.  My concern is using my phono pre in a 20 amp receptacle.  
Using 15 Amp Power Cord in 20 Amp Receptacle
OK.  I’ll give the 20 amp receptacle a try. 
Speaker cables Mid High end
I used Morrow Audio speaker cables and interconnects with very good results.  I upgraded speaker cables to Audioquest Rocket 88.  It was a very noticeable improvement. 
Control volume with DAC or Preamp?
I have a PS Audio BHK preamp and DirectStream DAC.  I set the DAC at 100% and control volume with the preamp.  Works for me.  I have a pure analog McIntosh system were I often control the volume using the MC2600 power amps gain controls and the 31... 
High end Class D amps?
I used a NAD M22v2 for a couple of years.  The NAD M22v2 build quality is superb. It's the only class D that I've ever owned.  The SQ was quite good and it drove my Tannoy DC8Ti 89db speakers with ease.I replaced it with a BHK 250 and of course t... 
Streamer's without built in DAC options?
+1 on Innous.  I'm quite satisfied with my Zenith MKII and have no plans to upgrade.