

Responses from oldschool1948

Best DAC / Budget
The Audio Mirror is too laid back. I'm not sure what laid back means, but like any piece of gear, the sound depends on everything in your system.  In my system, the Audio Mirror Tubadour lll SE sounded great.  At the time, I had a Herron VTSP-... 
Class D for a Tube Lover
NAD M22v2. Very nice sounding power amp.  
Preamp for Herron VTPH-2A
I started with a VTPH-2A with a VTSP-3A(ro2).  Loved the sound.  Now I have a PS Audio Stellar phono pre into a PS Audio BHK pre amp.  In my system, that combination sounds better. The Stellar phone pre is worth a listen.  Mine sounded great rig... 
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??
James Brown in the mid 60’s came on stage and started singing.  Ladies in the first rows started screaming.  “Mr. Brown” started screaming through the mike, “Stop the music.  Stop the music.”  Music stopped.  “Mr. Brown” said, if you all want to h... 
Technics 1200G phono recommendations
I’ve used a Parasound JC3jr, Herron, and PS Audio Stellar in that order with my 1200G, with an Ortofon Quintet Black cartridge. The Herron sounded best, with the PS Audio an almost dead heat second. I kept the PS Audio pre because I have their BHK... 
Are your current amps and other gear the best you've ever had?
The best I ever heard was north of $350K.  So not even close, but it's good enough for my ears and budget.   
Grant Fidelity parts ways with Psvane
My BHK Pre had Psvane S12au7's.  While they sound pretty good, I much prefer Tungsram 7DJ8s.  I get a warmer, fuller sound with no loss in detail or dynamics.  I should note, I'm also using Tungsram 7DJ8's in my BHK 250 power amp.  
Some DACs I am Considering-Any thoughts?
+1  Audio Mirror SE - very good DAC.  A used PS Audio DirectStream DAC is a better choice. 
Back to vinyl need phono stage help!
PS Audio Stellar is an excellent choice in the $2,500 range new, used for maybe $500-$600 less.   
what is the advantage of having a Roon core that's not on your computer?
I started with an Innous Zenith MKII hosting Roon Core.  It wasn't powerful enough to use DSP or upscaling so I purchased a Small Green Computer sonictransporter i7 for Roon DSP w/o storage and everything worked fine.  I used it for over a year bu... 
Frail and Bedazzled
@snackeyp +++1Vinyl - Technics SL-1200G w/ stock arm and Ortofon Quintet Black cartridge.  Digital - Innous Zenith MKII, Matrix X-SPDIF, and PS Audio DirectStream DAC.  I do more streaming these days because I’m getting too lazy to flip vinyl for ... 
Recommendation for new cables
I use Transparent Super cables and have no complaints 
Amp/Preamp Recommendations
+1 BHK Preamp and BHK 250 (paired with a DirectStream DAC) sounds excellent 
Class D
NAD M22v2 350 wpc will handle 2 ohms 
Does Age Matter?
I’ll be 73 next month.  I’ve always preferred vinyl over digital.  These days I do more streaming from Tidal than listening to vinyl.  I’ve also ripped my CD collection to an Innous Zenith MKII and have a small collection of DSD songs.  I’ve put t...