
Responses from o_holter

Sub best at high crossover?
Thanks a lot, all of you! This is getting informative, more soon. 
Lyra Titan i - in focus?
Thank you, Jfrech and Syntax. I agree with your comments. My arm may not be the best but it should be good enough, the SME V. I fully agree with you Syntax, the Titan i is so good that tweaks continue to amaze. For example, I got considerable impr... 
Sub best at high crossover?
Thanks for response. Wolf_garcia - I usually do trust my ears, thanks, but sometimes I am not quite sure, especially when the case is not so clear, plus it goes against the accepted rules...so thats why I am asking.Tonyangel - agree, directionalit... 
What is the Phono stage you have finished with?
Aesthetix Io Eclipse is not about to depart my home. 
Tube amp for "difficult" speakers,,,
Update: I ended up selling my speakers and amp. I now use tube monoblocs with less demanding speakers, and enjoy it. 
Aesthetix Io strange behaviour
Update: I am very happy with the Eclipse upgrade. Although it took a long time to burn in, it now sounds remarkably good. I have never heard a better preamp/phone stage. I had to get a new tube set from Aesthetix since the first one was noisy, but... 
Cleaning the equipment
Sorry for not keeping this worthy thread awake - busy with other things.Yes cat hairs are a nuisance - really no good for pickups riding low in the track, like my Lyra titan i, according to the debate about how some reviewers had it far too straig... 
Aesthetix IO Eclipse
Chris -- I sold my Krell FPB600 and bought used Atmasphere MA-1 monoblocs here at A-gon, and got them upgraded at the factory. Although this was quite a change, and I was missing the bass at first (needed burn-in), I have not looked back. I am ver... 
Aesthetix IO Eclipse
RE Io best output: XLR / balanced output sounded best with my Krell. I have not tested much with my new tube monos. Io input (from pickup) is perhaps also best served by balanced cable? I have only used RCA / single ended (Kimber KCAG). Comments?O... 
Aesthetix IO Eclipse
Re: "careful evaluation in my own home".I could not agree more. Of course, this is the ideal. However, it cannot always be done. Especially when you move to a top level, and live in a peripheral place, e g Norway. So one has to make informed (hope... 
Aesthetix Io strange behaviour
Although the Io now works fine, I have decided to ship it to the factory for an upgrade. Having to do without it during the repairs, and using replacements, made me realise that an upgrade will most probably be well worth it in my system, even if ... 
Aesthetix IO Eclipse
Sidekick_i, I have never heard the Pass so I cannot say. But I do know the Io, and do not think you will be disappointed. Great with rock as well as less dynamic music. Works well with my 0.5 v Titan i p-u. No noise problems after I got a replacem... 
Aesthetix IO Eclipse
I disagree with Linnlp12 regarding the volume controls. Unless you already have a *very* good preamp, I see little reason to cash out for the Io unless it has volume and the extra line input. That means if functions as a preamp. With a DAC connect... 
Aesthetix Io strange behaviour
I am following this up, and will inform later. I am considering a Io upgrade in a larger context, named "chasing out distortion from my system". Happily my Io is back on line. 
Aesthetix Io strange behaviour
Let me add that Glenn, at Aesthetix, has been of help through email. In conclusion, this thread should not be seen as negative for Io or Aesthetix, but a user discussion of problems that can occur in all tube preamps, and how to solve them in this...