
Responses from o_holter

Anyone Here Ever Purchased A Tube Tester?
My noise level test is done in a very demanding context. The phono preamp has three tube gain stages, and the first is stretched to the utmost - amplifying the weak signal from the cartridge. Each stage has four 12ax7 tubes, two per channel. This ... 
Anyone Here Ever Purchased A Tube Tester?
Yesterday I tested all the 19 tubes in my preamp with the Beck RM1 tester. I found three 6922 tubes that measured very weak, and replaced them with spares that tested ok. I was rewarded with better sound. What is interesting is that I had not real... 
surprising comparison of tube preamps
Note that, in my other systems, testing with the OTL headphone amp as part of the sound chain, the chain has been like this: Source (DAC) - > Jade - > preamp -> amp. In my main system, however, I had to connect this way; Source (phono ... 
surprising comparison of tube preamps
I followed up the idea in this thread - what happens when a good headphone amp is used as preamp in a speaker system. I have actually not tried this before in my main system. Or not since way back. So I brought Audiotailor Jade OTL down to the mai... 
surprising comparison of tube preamps
@arhgef - I am not suprised at all. I have an OTL headphone amp that I also use as preamp in my office system. Between the DAC and the integrated amp to the speakers. Although one more gain stage is not ideal, the results are clear: The more of th... 
Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!
I think actually it was a small headphone amp. Bought from Hongkong back in 2009. Because it changed my mind, regarding hifi. I had invested in 'heavy' stuff, huge s-state amps, hard to drive speakers. Then I heard a Graaf OTL amp at a friend's pl... 
Anyone Here Ever Purchased A Tube Tester?
Another way, compared to buying an old tube tester, is buying a new one, tailormade for you. I did, some years ago - Beck RM-1 tube tester, made to order by Helmut Beck for the 8 main tube types in my system. A quality instrument with great suppor... 
Playing DSD files
Summary of results so far. The gap between pcm hires streaming and dsd is smaller than some years ago, but dsd still has the edge, to my ears. Direct dsd sounds better than dop (dsd over pcm). The low price Topping E30ii DAC, and the mid-price Tea... 
Nearfield listening - once more
I should note that my interest in near field listening in my main system is also motivated by recent changes in my home office system, where I sit closer to the speakers, or use headphones. No crossovers - single driver speakers. No output transfo... 
Nearfield listening - once more
@chrisoshea - this is my impression too. I am now investigating a much closer to the speakers listening position than I've been used to. Very interesting. Better? Maybe no, my speakers are designed to work with the room. Timbre is better with the ... 
Better desktop DAC
@mclinnguy - thanks, very interesting. I think you are (mostly) right. The implementation means a lot.  
Better desktop DAC
Thanks for advice, everyone. I am studying the links. @mlsstl - yes another Teac NT-505 is an idea, since it matches my 'inquisitive' desktop system quite well, with its akm 'velvet' sound. I hesitate, regarding ess based dacs. However the Teac i... 
Anyone with Aric Audio experience?
"I just prefer tubes". My path also.  
What Holiday Gifts did you ask for or Give to Yourself?
Just a small gift for myself. A balanced headphone cable, between my Audotailor Jade OTL preamp and my Audidoquest Nightowl and Nighthawk headphones. Ca 70 usd.  
Better desktop DAC
@chayro - thanks. They are on the other side of the globe (I live in Norway) but I will check them out. Qualified impartial advice is very valuable. And I've actually bought from Oakland before ; - ) I finally got around to disconnect the Teac NT...