
Responses from o_holter

Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
In my experience, amp / speaker / room matching is the way to go with OTL amps. I can get my MA-1s to sound okay with 8 ohm speakers but I chose speakers that have been developed for OTL (Audiokinesis) and have not looked back. It is only then, th... 
Lyra Atlas experiences
ferrari250, agree, my experience is the same. Working with loading and adjustment is very important. Although the Atlas is so good that it is in a sense also a problem - it still sounds good, even with suboptimal adjustments (to an extent) and loa... 
Atma-sphere amps best power tubes
Updating experience with NOS output tubes in the MA-1 amps (mainly RCA 6AS7G). I have had zero problems, no failures, over the last half year. This NOS set has now been running for close to two years. I enjoy the sound.  
Lyra Atlas experiences
Stingreen - sorry, did not see your post before - i use the Aesthetix Benz MC Demagnetizer. The Lyra Atlas manual says periodic fluxbusting is ok provided one follows the instructions (I do).   
Periodic noise
Yes, Al, your diagnosis was spot on. It illustrates the importance of describing the symptom precisely. It was only when I timed it, after just having been irritated by the burst of noise coming and going, that I started to make progress. I found ... 
Periodic noise
Thanks, Al. The transmitter was close to 8 METERS from the system, and yet the speakers made noise like mad. I am not in the "very worried about exposure" camp, but it was quite special. It is the pulse that matters (15-20 seconds per 8:20 minutes... 
New Component Upgrade Success Rate
I agree with sgordon1. Smith's book didn't offer miracle advice but it did change my thinking about sound. I don't do many component changes (but sometimes, upgrades) and when I do, I first read everything I can find about it (and listen, if possi... 
Doh, left system off all night
I was in the "always on" camp since the sound is best that way, but repairs and tube life issues made me reconsider. I turn on my tube amps and preamp an hour or so before playing, and turn them off at night. So they are on perhaps 6 hours a day, ... 
Loud click/pop at the end of each record with clear audio cart
If it happens on every record, could it be that the arm is out of alignment, or that something interferes with the arm or wiring?  
Securing Monitors to a stand
I use a little Blu-tack between my monitors and the heavy metal stands. It doesn't secure the monitors fully, but works ok (hardens over time) and I don't hear much sonic change. Just a LITTLE under each corner of the speaker.  
Periodic noise
I no longer hear the 8-minute bursts of noise, since the alarm control box is further away from the system. Now it is close to our bedrooms. And I wonder, how healthy is this, with such strong bursts? The installer did know about the problem, but ... 
Tascam DA-3000
To my ears (using the Tascam only) 2xDSD (5.6MHz) recordings get me closest to the original vinyl. No doubt about it. So the best result could be to use a DSD-capable A/D converter, or have the A/D in the Tascam modified. It reminds me of the S/N ... 
Tascam DA-3000
dhl93449 - I use the Tascam DA-3000, and am quite pleased with my recordings from vinyl (if I do them in double DSD). I see your point, modifying the A-D part of the conversion. What happened, in your case? 
Periodic noise
The solution so far - the installer moved the box out of the room with the stereo system, and up to the second floor of the house. Now the noise was gone. It comes from the GSM chip in the controller box (made by Honeywell) he told me.  
Periodic noise
almarg - you were right. I unplugged the main alarm system control box and disconnected the battery. Now, the noise was gone. I will get service on the system tomorrow. It is both wired and wireless.