
Responses from nyaudio98

These seem a bit pricey $$$
This is why the hobby is crazy, over priced speakers  
Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?
Jeff rowland has great great sounding gear 
Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?
Vimberg has a bookshelf coming out
And they will be affordable 
Vimberg has a bookshelf coming out
Borrenson has a new series due out soon...id highly recommend them.  
Vimberg has a bookshelf coming out
Stay away, too many delays 
Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?
Borrenson will have a bookshelf 15k to 18k...plus 2 other models 
Suggestions for higher efficiency speakers
Ref 3a mm de capo...by FAR 
Vimberg has a bookshelf coming out
More delays, not till january or february 
Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?
Aavik is made by borennson...lol.  
Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?
Think they are very special, but for that price they better be.  
Which stereo amp to try under $30k
Integrated jeff rowland 
Which stereo amp to try under $30k
How about the T. A. Integrated.  
Borresen Acoustics Speakers - Have you heard them & what did you think?
Im in illinois. Ill go listen. What i wont do, others might. Thst is ones choice. I always try and seek value....how much are the 03 borrenson... 
new GAN amplifier
Excellent cust svc