
Responses from nyaudio98

Reference 3a Grand Veena for a small room?
The special anniversity de capo is closer to the 12k reflector with upgrades..tash great job ,!@ 
Reference 3a Grand Veena for a small room?
Get the mm de capo doevial anniversity speakers...5hey sound much improved over 5he original de capo..3500.00 
Vimberg has a bookshelf coming out
Indeed. Vimbergs are great...but that price point is absurd.  
Clearwave Duet 6 / Usher Audio BE-718 / or...?
Makes one think the power cords should be better from.manufacterer of the original amplifier  
Clearwave Duet 6 / Usher Audio BE-718 / or...?
Reference 3 a  mm de capo anniversery edition...more enhancements made with the annivesity edition...alot of extras and proc3 increase couple hundred.  
The best speaker for a small room...at any price point.
Gold is here, reference 3a mm de capo anniversity edition...with copeland electronics was beyond stellar...imaging was like speakers costing 12k plus..mm DE CAPO 3500..beyond awesome.  
Recommendation for detailed/analytical bookshelf speaker?
Ref 3a mm decapo anniversity edition....one on the way..super!!! 
Tidal Speakers owners
Tidal is much better according to a reviewer  
Many great speakers out there  
The best speaker for a small room...at any price point.
If you like pulsars, go call lsa..underwood hi fi. LSA bookshelves are as good as pulsars, much lower price!!!! 
What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
Any feedback on heff rowland 1500 wpc integrated ? 
The best speaker for a small room...at any price point.
Imaging and if bass is  not huge to you, reference 3a dulcets, mm decapo 
The best speaker for a small room...at any price point.
LSA he had a setup that was 3300 for all incl power.  
Most “disappeared” speakers.
Nice, give a listen to vimberg mimo and other model...i dont think you can find better for 30k. He has a bookshelf that isnt completed yet, coming out...its already pre sold its first run.  
Raidho TD1.2 opinions?
Vimberg bookshelves are coming, 14k