
Responses from nyaudio98

1000.00 speakers
Depends on the listener. Fritz has won msny great reviews and pricing is very realistic 
I think some cables are just a little too expensive.
Way way over priced..one guy i know of has oden 2 inter connects.  speakers cable u name it..retail 200k...kid u not in his system.  
Can you tell me why I didn't like the Reference 3a MM's?
Um...the mm de capo are stellar...you could of called tash the owner  
700.00 speakers new or used
Op where are you located  
The Absolute Sound Review On The All New Acora Acoustics SRC-1 Speakers Coming Soon !
Not this thread again...the next best thing. 30 posters will say 28 speakers are the best. Lol.  
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
For the money  fritz speakers...look at his reviews. I loved the reference 3a mm decapo...but a reviewer said his fritz were better 
The best "imaging" speakers?
Electronics will have a huge part in this equation 
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
Your going to get 11k responses 
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
Raidho has a newer line that has some serious upgrades. But thats alot $$ 
Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience
Each one of you mentioned different speakers...lol.  
What do/did you do for a living?
Ricmci, i have very high regard for your profession..thank you !! 
Raidho speakers..any interest ??
I know soneone just spent 100k onnthe raidho 
Looking for opinions T PLUS L
T plus A..MY bad 
Which one is the best INTEGRATED!!
He gave like 8 options and with all suggestions its at 25 options. Ask again in 3 months back up to 35 options  
Looking for suggestions on best small footprint speaker under $4K
Fritz....outstanding value for the money