
Responses from nvp

Cost of a new Beryllium tweeter?
Kipikipod, a few years back when I had the same problem as you, I have called Focal directly in France. Not only were they speaking English (this is a big deal in France!) but they were also very friendly and assured me they will repair my speaker... 
Cost of a new Beryllium tweeter?
I too have damaged one of the tweeters of my MicroBes (a few years ago while moving). Focal replace it within 2-3 weeks. It cost me somewhere between 600 and 650 euros. I have never checked whether I could have bought this tweeter from some place ... 
Avantgarde UNO or TAD CR-1 or Accuphase?
Thanks for replies guys and sorry for the typos. (A too long post written too late in the night. Also, English is not my first language.)Noelpastor, your suggestion is certainly valid, however, I am not really interested in buying the Diablos. I h... 
Integrated amp for Focal micro utopia be
I've run my MicroBe with a Musical Fidelity A5 for a while and, indeed, it was a good and well balanced combination. Then, I moved to an Accuphase E-550 integrated (30 class A watts in 8 ohm). The combinations is marvelous. 
Focal Micro Utopia + REL or 1028be II ?
Kipikipod, congratulation for the new speakers. You did very good (IMO)! Which amp/cd-player are you using? 
Focal Micro Utopia + REL or 1028be II ?
Kipikipod, your comment "Utopia line is more... 'conservative' and mature than the Electra" is certainly correct. Jond too made a similar remarked, and this is also my experience with Older Utopia models vs. newer Electra models. I would look at A... 
Focal diablos vs Dynaudio focus 380 PLEASE HELP
Drubin, my experience is that older models from superior lines (e.g. Confidence mk1 models) are almost never outperformed by newer models from inferior lines (e.g. new Focus models). This is especially the case with companies like Dynaudio. I have... 
Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?
Sorry guys but I disagree.While speaker like Sasha deserve top of the line electronics, they will sing like angels also with electronics costing significantly less than their speakers. I have heard the Sashas paired with Cyrus electronics (a narro... 
B&W Matrix 805's, need amp, pre-amp, or integrated
Musical Fidelity A5 is a good choice but certainly not the only one. 
SubWoofer Help ASAP...
Hey Bryon,Thanks for the suggestion. I am not very familiar with the music of Cassandra Wilson, which is yet another reason to buy the "New Moon Daughter" album.Paul 
Focal diablos vs Dynaudio focus 380 PLEASE HELP
$7.5K should be more than enough for buying a pair Confidence C2 speakers which should be much better than the Focus you are considering. Regarding Bryston electronics, they certainly work fine with Dyns, but IMO there are quite a few other combin... 
SubWoofer Help ASAP...
It takes some time till one starts to hear the frequencies that are reinforced or weakened by the room. This is why it takes time to set up decently a subwoofer.A pair of decent headphone, however, can solve this problem in no time. By listening t... 
Speakers and air-conditioning
Power can certainly be an issue, especially when the stereo system is sharing the same power line with the air-conditioning machine. However, changes in the density and/or pressure of the air can also be responsible for what you hear. To put thing... 
SubWoofer Help ASAP...
You might also want to read the thread I have started a few month ago:Looking for the BASSHowever, Bryon suggestions are very good and clear and pretty much cover the subject. I have but two minor comments, which I hope he does not mind and also a... 
Since we talk about digital, i.e. 0s and 1s, then one should surely acknowledge Gottfried Leibniz who invented the binary numeral system as it is used today. (He is also responsible for Calculus as it is used today, i.e. Newton notations were extr...