
Responses from noske

Do we really know what "Live" music sounds like?
Yes. I don’t care much for the suggestion of a salesperson playing something in the store. That could be a very forgettable experience. [edit - and now I read @feldmen4  thought.  Quite so.] Another rather el-cheapo option - seek out a church (h... 
Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation.
"Chi-Fi is CHINESE HI-FI, Hi-Fi made in CHINA. nothing more, nothing less." Consistent with my rant about signal theory on the previous page here, yes. Its a label. A phrase (or word) describing a characteristic of something, which conveys som... 
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
I wonder what else we've forgotten? The William Shatner, Don Johnson, Bruce Willis and Russell Crowe Quartet.  
Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation.
@russ69 Do not discount the Chinese they are finding the sweet spot of acceptable quality. It will only be a short time before Chinese hi-fi dominates the market. I agree with you. A few short years ago I probably may not have. As I write this ... 
Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation.
@nonoise  By the way, what happened to the other threads on this subject? Were they deleted for convenience sake or did someone take umbrage?  I'm just speculating and I could be wildly wrong, but perhaps it was because certain folk here couldn... 
Chi-Fi in the Time of Self-Righteous Indignation.
W Jennings provides a topical example of something that is prevalent in many aspects of decision making - summed up succinctly in what is broadly known as signalling theory. All life forms rely on fairly rudimentary signals to make surprisingly i... 
Aqua 'La Diva' ($9k) or Gryphon 'Ethos' ($39k) versus. Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T ($3k)?
Boys, get your own room.  
Aqua 'La Diva' ($9k) or Gryphon 'Ethos' ($39k) versus. Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T ($3k)?
@erictal4075 I have the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T feeding via AES/EBU a Holo Audio ’MAY’ KTE version DAC I think that’s a pretty good start in my modest opinion. This is on my wish list for later this year. The ability to mix and match at this le... 
What's a reasonable listening position response curve?
I don't understand the statement that sound quality is 110% determined by frequency response. That's impossible.  
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
AC/DC - Back in Black Rach 3 Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope Adele - Bad for Good (forthcoming, hat tip to Jim Steinman)  
A question of metal type; the value of matching RCA phono plugs to sockets ?
I use some silver coated banana plugs for their conductivity.  I have not done any A/B tests and nor is there any warranty etc issues. Knowing full well that they will oxidize, its no issue replacing them (easy) way down the track or perhaps a qu... 
''Óriginal parts'', ''identity '' and ''retip'' conundrum
By definition, basic cost benefit analysis is a process of examining a variety of combinations and scenarios where there are costs and associated benefits. This can be accounting.  The total benefits outweigh the total costs. However - What is th... 
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
Especially if you have Lead in your ears.  The question was framed in such a manner so as to specifically not ask about hearing, auditory perceptions or any possible psycho-acoustic effects. This was possibly accidental, of course.  
''Óriginal parts'', ''identity '' and ''retip'' conundrum
@dover  Finally when the horse became elderly and quite distressed, my grandfather decided to put it out of its misery. Your grandfather sounds like he was a very tolerant and forgiving man, in the circumstances.  What an exceptionally dumb ho... 
Best speakers around $130k?
Anyone who says otherwise is probably just pissed off about capitalism. Imagine a bureaucracy briefed with designing and building a speaker that they would put on the market for $130,000. Committees, consultants, white boards, regulations,  en...