
Responses from northman

Want to setup basic home audio system
Fun to think about. My guess is that I'm not alone out here in having haunted stereo stores since I was a teenager. It's free to look and listen and you can get a good sense of what's reasonable to expect at that budget. Putting together your own ... 
Just installed a bluesound node 2i , quality not so good
@uberwaltz, I wasn't trying to get into it (and I was actually looking at the post above mine, not at yours). It seems to me like the Bluesound is what it is, and by all accounts is very good for what it is. I'm not sure that dolling it up with an... 
Just installed a bluesound node 2i , quality not so good
Is the advice here really that the OP should buy a $1000+ DAC in order to boost the sound quality of a $550 streamer? Wouldn't it make more sense to: 1) return the Bluesound and get a more high-end streamer/DAC? or 2) buy a really good DAC ($2000+... 
What do/did you do for a living?
Great thread! It's so heartening to see all the different types of jobs. And incomes. Sometimes it feels like everyone out here can casually plunk down *big* money on equipment. The site can feel a bit exclusive. (Someone asking advice on 100k spe... 
Shipping. Hard Lesson.
n80, I'm sorry that you've gone through this huge hassle. I sure wish we could find out how the Bryston amp made out during the ordeal. They don't exactly make fragile equipment. (Do you guys remember those old Volvo commercials?) I'd be very curi... 
Anyone in Vermont (especially the Burlington area) interested in an informal audio club?
Nice to see this post, late as I am to it! I live outside of Burlington and thought I'd chime in. I've been in the game since my first stereo in 1978 but I'm likely not as tech-savvy as many out here. Music is a deep passion of mine. (I don't want... 
Node 2i interface/app, a beginner's question
Thank you all so much for your responses, which are helpful and encouraging. One reason that I'm interested in the Node2i is that he can connect a flash player with music files. Again, thank you! 
Magnepan dealers
I'm sorry, guys. My eyes missed where they list the showroom dealers, which is down the page mixed in with all the others. As @crustycoot points out, there are only four of them. I apologize for spreading my confusion out here.And thanks for the o... 
Magnepan dealers
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the website, which is not an especially attractive or helpful one. Because they make no distinction between who is a "showroom only" dealer and who is a conventional dealer, the site gives the impression that they're all... 
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Perspective
Thank you, Celo. I appreciate your response. When I heard the Pulsar2s, I was impressed by the realism and detail that you describe, but maybe not so "easy on the ear." I do think that the "forward" sound I was hearing might well have been the nat... 
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Perspective
Interesting that some of us Joseph Audio fans are also fans of Harbeth.Both brands have a "rightness" and believability in timbre and tone, yet at the same time have quite different "sound" or presentations.These two speakers are at the top of my ... 
2020 quest for stereo amp with DAC for about 1000 USD
Since you loved your old NAD, maybe the C368? My son has one and it seems solid and well thought-out. I haven't looked at the NAD stuff in a while but I just got rid of an old receiver that finally kicked the bucket ... bought in 1985. 
My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions.
I thought everyone find's their way here from the Love of music. Music Lover's have a good heart. If only. This may be the most dispiriting thread I've seen out here. You've got to be a miserable, lonely person to ridicule a fellow audiophile and ... 
Alternatives to Brick and Mortar
I've been thinking a lot about these issues since December, when my go-to store for over thirty-five years closed. Let me say that I completely understand those passionate folks who are "hobbyists," frequently buying/selling/trading equipment. For... 
Hard of Hearing Audiophile.
GREAT thread! We all have to adjust to our bodies and our aging, and this thread is filled not only with good advice but also with hope and determination. As the Grateful Dead sang, "the music never stopped."