Responses from noromance
Furutech PC's? Solid post. I tried a single Furutech rhodium fuse and it was not good. Rhodium tends to add a hard, chrome-like coloration. Interestingly, my phono amps all benefit from rhodium power cord terminals. | |
Gryphon Antileon Signature & Mirage Combination and Heat Problem Best wishes. You can check past and current pricing here: Used Gryphon Antileon Control amplifiers for Sale | | |
Strange Cable Experiment Don’t mind Jason. Cables can and do make a difference. Better quality materials, construction and terminations. However, I always do an ABA (original-new-original) test—revert to the originals and play the same record. Just to be sure. | |
Music Hall Stealth Owners - What Cartridge Are You Using? Sort of a no-brainer to try the 2M Black. Note that you can’t simply replace the Blue stylus. I see Herb Reichert agrees! | |
How can they not effect the sound The effect of the speakers is to make the sound but the dents affect the sound! | |
Movie/film suggestions. @bdp24 It was surreal and "ridiculous" then. Now, not so much. Too many lunatics. | |
Movie/film suggestions. Eraserhead. | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? Yes. NPR. Used to have a tube Dyna tuner and an external FM antenna. Until I plundered its Telefunken tubes for phono amp use. Now, it’s only the car or the phone app. | |
Gryphon Antileon Signature & Mirage Combination and Heat Problem You're taking a leap for relatively big money and are unaware of whether it will sound better? Save your money and work with a dealer like Upscale Audio et al. | |
Progress at Interesting that they are bringing back the AlNiCo magnets. | |
Unmatched power output tubes. Bad idea ? The VAC is a push-pull amp and will likely work best with matched tubes. That being said, you can try the Mullards especially if they look similar and are from a single source, and bias successfully. | |
Hana Umami Red review Good review. Given the revealing nature you described, how is surface noise? | |
what is more popular silver or black face plates I know it doesn't apply to all but silver has mid-fi vibes. | |
Can I assemble a decent system out of these components Keep the gear. It's pretty decent. | |
What does your Virtual System page say about you? @snilf Still visible when not logged in. But I've long since closed it to general viewing. |