
Responses from nordicnorm

Best for recording records?
I use an E-MU 0404 USB ADC. It's fairly inexpensive (~$200), but good quality and supports up to 192kHz/24bit. I connect my phono stage to the 0404 , and then run USB into my laptop.Here's a review. 
Preamp for a Line Magnetic i518?
Coincident Statement Linestage $3500: is an A’gon discussion of the Coincident: 
Phono preamp question
Yes, the GFP-565 has a very good phono stage. You'd have to spend well over $500 on a used phono stage to best it.I agree with dlcockrum - your best bang-for-the-buck upgrade would be your cartridge. 
Phono preamp question
@dekay Where does the OP state what his TT is? 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
@dynaquest4I get you don’t believe that cables can make a difference. You don’t have to. I didn’t really either until I tried it.YMMV.And no, I am not a dealer. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
I was curious about higher-end cables as well, so I auditioned a pair of Teo Audio ICs ("Game Changer"), their entry level IC ($500). Teo offers a money-back guarantee and are located in the same city as I live, so I figured if it didn’t produce a... 
Cable Choices - TEO, Cerious Tech, Amadi, Audio Sensibility, etc
Teo Audio also has speaker cables made from the same technology as their ICs.But at ~$11,000 for 3m, they require you to have very deep pockets! 
Don Sach's pre amp
@radiohead99 Give Don Sachs a call. He's always willing to talk about his builds. 
Tube Preamp Recommendations?
@robert1234For 12AX7’s, my favourite tubes are:1. Shuguang Custom 12AX7-LS $120/pr - new production tubes2. Mazda Chrome Plate 12AX7 $320/pr - NOS tubes3. Psvane 12AX7-TII $100/pr - new production tubes 
New Class A/B under $6K, your recommendation?
There are a couple of tubed monoblocks that would fit into your price range:Coincident Technology Dragon 211 Mkii - tube compliment is EM7×1, 300B×1, 211×2 per Channel Blue Circle BC2000 - they use a single 6SN7 tube. This one is in Canada and is ... 
Don Sach's pre amp
I have one. Beautiful preamp. I went for all of Don's upgrades (except for XLR).Tube rolling makes a big difference.I originally tried it with 4 x Psvane CV-181z Selects, but found the bass frequencies too 'muddy'. The sweet spot was 2 x CV181z's ... 
Phono preamp question
Yes, your preamp would be the weak link if you bought a separate phono stage. But will it still sound good enough until you decide to upgrade your preamp? Only you can decide that.You are caught in the upgrade dilemma: as you upgrade individual co... 
DAC Regenerator and Reclocking Devices
Singxer SU-1 $400A review for your edification and reading enjoyment.Cheers, 
DAC for CD transport
You bought a CEC CD5 for $1,500? Congratulations! That's a great deal!  
Tube Preamp Recommendations?
I have the Don Sachs Model 1 6SN7-based preamp. It replaced a Doge 8.I would have to say it is a very clean sounding preamp. I'm running it into a pair of (heavily modified) Golden Tube Audio SE-40 special edition monoblocks.