

Responses from nonoise

SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?
Sutts:I might be totally wet on this but check out Nelson Pass' First Watt series of amps-especially the new J-FET one. It has about 1/5 the distortion of MOSFETS and even though it is of low wattage, your speakers should present a decent pairing.... 
Open Baffle Phy HP KM 30 SAG update
Hey Fiddler:Beautiful job. Well done. With every thread I've read at every site (there's lots) and after that review at 6moons, I'm thinking of trying it myself and I have zero experience in woodworking. Its that tempting.On an aside, have you or ... 
Open Baffle Speakers
Greh:There is a lot of interesting discussion going on at the Audio Circle, REDwineaudio, Decware, and Omega Speakers site re: your very same question-open baffle speakers. That type of speaker design and a new product from Red Wine Audio made for... 
Demoing speakers in LA area?
You might want to check out Tonian Labs in Glendale. They make some very good speakers using a Fostex full range driver and their own super tweeter. When they demo'd at the Arcadia VTV show, everyone asked if the sub was turned on. It wasn't. It d... 
Mapleshade Silclear
I meant to say that I can hear more detail now that the Silclear is gone. Its funny that it took over a year for the cloudiness to appear. On first application, it was quite nice-no cloudiness at all and all of a sudden, dark skies. 
Mapleshade Silclear
Gammajo:I've heard that kerosine or gasoline is the way to go if it is applied thickly.White gas would be best but its hard to find nowadays. I initially put Silclear on very sparingly so I just used Caig Pro Gold G5 and sprayed it directly onto t... 
Mapleshade Silclear
I used Silclear very sparingly and for over a year had no adverse effects until now. That brought me back to this thread and after reading the posts, cleaned all interconnects with Caig and viola! Bright, clear, detailed, you name it. I guess the ... 
Analog Lovers and Filterless DACs
You can try the Consonance CD-120 Linear or the tubed version. Both are 16 bit, non oversampling, non upsampling with no digital filters or opamps to get in the way. Its a one box solution that sounds great. I have the CD-120 Linear and love it. I... 
Some of the music is 25 years old and it might be the way he mastered it or it might be system dependant. I find it just incredibly detailed but not at all hyped. Maybe its that I have a tube integrated so it mellows the sound somewhat. 
condo owners, how do you appease the neighbors?
I have the same problem with my neighbor downstairs. Before she moved in I went down and listened to my stereo to see/hear what was and thought I had it nailed down. Back then, I had Legacy Classics and a 200 watt Rotel amp. Needless to say, it st... 
You're right! I don't know how I missed that. Thanks. 
Best cd player for under $800.00
You can get the Consonance CD-120 Linear for $800-$850. 
I found it listed at cduniverse.com and at Harmonia Mundi (USA distributor for networkmedien.de)1117 Chestnut St.Burbank, Ca. 91506818.333.1500Its not easy to find as it only came out in mid '05 and not being 'pop' music, it was probably rotated o... 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
Alot of this is over my head but since I've had my Decware 1.5s, ALL other traditional speakers (as suggested in the opening and 2nd by songwriter) just sound wrong (plain awful?), no matter how they've done the crossovers. My Decwares aren't perf... 
Driver replacement China
Its not just the drivers. Alot of hi end makes use off the shelf, Chinese sourced circuit boards, CD drives and other components and have been doing so for many years. I've read where Korsun is OEM for alot of Mark Levenson and Krell has used comm...