

Responses from noble100

Are tubes really “warm”?
     I’ve always enjoyed the sound that tube preamps and amps impart on the overall sound of a system. It’s my understanding that, when tubes and tube equipment begins to distort, they do so in a manner that results in an excess of even order harm... 
There's a lot more bass in a 6.5" driver than most of you think
Hello mozartfan,     I watched your YT video you attached on your post from yesterday. I liked your equipment, your choice of music tracks played and especially your cool cat Cleo. But c’mon man, your room is so bright we all need shades. I had li... 
Subwoofer Question
docknow: " I want another one, not for output, but I do think there is stereo bass information to be recovered in some recordings, principally in live concert recordings."Hello docknow.     I don’t know why you believe this. There are 2 factual pr... 
Class D is just Dandy!
Hello listening 99,     There are certainly several excellent class D amp bargains currently available for attaining very good performance at very reasonable prices. It sounds like you just purchased a prime example.      I’ve owned and have heard... 
Subwoofer Question
noble100: "Virtually anyone with fairly extensive experience utilizing more than 1 sub in their room and system, will agree that 2 subs perform twice as well as a single sub and 4 subs perform about twice as well as a pair of subs." clio09: "LO... 
Subwoofer Question
     Virtually anyone with fairly extensive experience utilizing more than 1 sub in their room and system, will agree that 2 subs perform twice as well as a single sub and 4 subs perform about twice as well as a pair of subs.       Yes, this is my... 
Are integrated amps technically better than separates?
     I agree that an integrated, theoretically, has an advantage over separates.  Not long ago, I heard a Levinson 5805 integrated playing through a pair of Magico A3 speakers at a local dealer.  I fell in love with the sound from the mids on up a... 
Does this translate?
I suggest not prejudging before at least an audition.Tim 
What is it you do?
Hello oldhvymec,     What's the deal with " 3 half cans of beer, and two swigs..."?     Why so particular and dainty?  3 half cans of beer equals a can and a half,  what do you do with the remaining half can?     Wouldn't a couple full cans of be... 
What is it you do?
I typically enjoy knitting or fist fighting, depends on my mood.Tim 
Subwoofer Question
" Doesn't the Swarm include a fundamental parametric equalization adjustment?"Hello m-db,     The AK Swarm and Debra DBA systems both use the same Dayton SA-1000 sub amp/control unit.  It has very limited equalization functionality, I believe mai... 
Rules of getting best audio ? maybe..
Hello romney80,     I'm now 62 and realize my long journey with both audio and video is now closer to the end than the beginning.  But I'm okay with that since they've both been interesting and pleasurable journeys and my A/V system has never had ... 
speaker stands--general considerations
turnbowm: " The location of floor-standing speakers in a room is always a compromise between imaging and bass performance. With stand-mounts and subwoofers, the monitors can be located for best imaging and the subs for best bass performance. +1 t... 
Subwoofer pairing for Sonus Faber Elipsa SE
Hello antman,     Life's too short to have ugly speakers in your living room, right?    I'm a user and proponent of the 4-sub distributed bass array (DBA) concept but I realize that very good bass performance can also be attained through the use o... 
Best bass in Earth! Bass that just smells right...
Hello tomic601, Jim,     Thanks for the info, I agree with your high and low pass filter comments.     There's also the typical about +3 db of bass room gain issue to deal with the use of subs.  I believe a steep low pass filter can help with this...