

Responses from noble100

Help w/ properly hooking up my ML grotto sub....
Hello matt00,     I'd suggest you first utilize the P5's crossover and level controls and follow the manual's instructions closely for best results.  Only if you find the results totally lacking which I seriously doubt you will, would I suggest by... 
Is Sub Gain Set&Forget Across Music Genres a Fallacy?
     I also utilize 4 subs in a DBA/swarm configuration, with a pair of Magnepan 3.7i speakers run full range. I use my system for both stereo music and 5.4 HT surround sound audio and it performs extremely well on both as ’set and forget’ with a ... 
Is dedicated PreAmp with Oppo 105 needed?
Hello hitsofmisses,     Wow, you've been contemplating this subject for over 5 years now.  That's amazing, you certainly have more patience and delayed gratification than I do.  I've read that's a good indication of being emotionally mature.    ... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
mahlman:" As has been stated before, but apparently not read by many who stop in, this is for my entertainment. Thanks for your contribution by the way."Hello mahlman,     I stated something similar in my last post: "  I’m just an independent mu... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
Hello mahlman,     That’s cool. I have no need, use or desire for any audiophile credentials, standards, authorizations, approvals, exclusions or other restrictions and limitations.      I’m just an independent music and HT lover and A/V gear enth... 
Emotional rollercoaster
barts:" My car is still as fast, still is a blast, still blows my dress up, makes me smile and never stops impressing me! I am completely satisfied with its performance, couldn't care less about the newest bestest thing on the block."Hello barts,... 
Bryston 7B SST
Hello astonmartinv8, Yes, room acoustics are very important. It also will be beneficial to move your right speaker as far away from the corner as possible. if you’re able. Just moving both l+r speakers further away from the wall behind them shoul... 
Help w/ properly hooking up my ML grotto sub....
Hello matt00,     I’m not sure what you mean when you stated:" I am bypassing the P5 2.1 input, how should the reset of the hook up go? I am using Vandersteen Model 2 speakers." You will only be utilizing the 2.1 outputs, not the inputs, on the P5... 
Want it Incorporate video into current audio only system,
Hello jokomo,     If you want to try 5.1 surround sound, you just would need 3 channels of amplification, one for the center channel and two for the pair of rear surround channels.  I'd suggest using a 3 channel class D amp for simplicity, reasona... 
Emotional rollercoaster
Hello asvjerry,     I may be showing my age, but what the heck does *G* mean in your posts?  Giggles?Thanks. Tim 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
mahlman:"  Well since right now I am not building or altering crossovers technically you are right. It's crimp connectors right now. How ever I know how to do that and have the correct tools so I have audiophile grade crimp connections."Hello mah... 
Emotional rollercoaster
     Well said, baylinor!  I agree completely.     You can either treat and control the room or let the untreated room control the sound.  You're correct, room treatments are as critical for good results just as a good, solid foundation is critica... 
Emotional rollercoaster
     Some very good points there, mapman, Wise words spewing out of your pie hole, well done!" We don’t know what we really want a lot of the time. You can’t hit the target until you know what it is."     True, but I wanted to add that, even if we... 
The next big driver hype: Textreme
     What is that....A dream?      Yes, that's Textreme!     Sorry, I've been working on their upcoming marketing campaign/blitz non-stop for weeks now and I'm going a bit bonkers.Tim 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
    Oh man, I thought we all agreed:      No More Soldering!Jeesh, Tim