

Responses from noble100

Best amp for kappa 8.1
unsound: "I’m not saying Class D is not capable of sub 2 Ohm loads, but not many units out there with independent tests to support such load capability."Hello unsound,     I understand your skepticism. I know for certain that D-Sonics previous top... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
Yesterday morning, I went to the Indiana Audiophile Society’s Indianapolis office to apply to become an official member. To earn official membership and the coveted Official Indiana Audiophile Member credentials that are bestowed, the process req... 
Should I fix it and sell it or sell it as is? Mark Levinson No. 331
     Deja Vu. 
Should I fix it and sell it or sell it as is? Mark Levinson No. 331
Hello cleeds,     Okay, maybe not worthless since any mess can be cleaned up and repaired.  But likening leaking caps in an amp's power supply to a car having worn tires is also a bit misleading.  I believe a car with a blown engine would be more ... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
       Let's extrapolate.        If I have a brain and use it but can't perform brain surgery, am I still worthy of utilizing it in an obviously satirical and derisive manner to articulate to the OP just how snobbish, inane, pretentious, nonsensic... 
Best amp for kappa 8.1
     I agree with oldhvymec, a good class D would run them perfect.  Either of these pairs of D-Sonic monoblocks would be a good choice and work well: https://www.d-sonic.com/product-category/mono/ Plenty of power, reasonably priced, excellent s... 
Should I fix it and sell it or sell it as is? Mark Levinson No. 331
Peporter,   The facts are you have a 26 year old amp of decent quality that's so old that its large power supply capacitors are likely to begin leaking. the amp will soon be worthless and you'll have a mess on your hands.  The typical symptoms of ... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
Hello tellefsen,          It seems like you have figured how to integrate your pair of subs very well into your system.  You may not have experimented with the Swarm concept yet but you certainly have experimented with the multiple sub concept and... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
Persephone: "I disagree with the suggestion to moving the speakers closer to the wall."     Persephone accurately and succinctly explained why this is true by stating: "That may give you more bass, but it will adversely affect the soundstage. "atm... 
Should I fix it and sell it or sell it as is? Mark Levinson No. 331
    Even if you pay the $1,100 to have your ML 331 repaired, it still makes more economic sense to do so than sell it as-is for $800.  You'd only need to sell the repaired 331 for $1,900 to equal a net $800 and I believe you could sell it for at l... 
Why Don't More People Into Music Reproduction At Home Play Around With Musical Instruments
     Interesting idea that seems to have some merit.  I happen to be a savage beast and a music lover.  Due to a stroke, however, my left side extremities are paralyzed and I only have complete control over my right side extremities.       As a re... 
Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...
    Some Earthlings can't handle complicated issues and decisions due to their low brainpower.  Rather than taking the time to educate themselves through research and listening, they rely on their emotions to keep things simple.  This is a defecti... 
Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...
Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...     My name is Yuck! from the planet Yikes!  I'm a 7 foot bipedal very smelly cockroach creature that constantly oozes disgusting greenish yellow slime out of various bodily orifices, thus my name Y... 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
phusis:"Well-integrating subs IS about pursuing High Fidelity in its truer sense and certainly not like "added ketchup to some kind of gourmet food," but rather about making the intend of gourmet food taste gourmet in the first place. This applies... 
Are tubes really “warm”?
Hello mozartfan,     Apparently, you seem to have an absolute inclination and preference toward absolute thinking in this audio hobby.  I've learned through personal experience that claims of audio absolutes are of little merit, are rarely reliabl...