

Responses from noble100

Does HiRez really sound better?
Woops, I'm following a few threads and incorrectly listed the subject of this thread as 'Is CD quality attainable via computer audio?'.My mistake, I should have stated this thread's subject as:'Does HiRez really sound better?'Sorry, 
Does HiRez really sound better?
Geoffkait:"Cassettes to my ear have more resolution than CDs. Notes are more rounded, the harmonics are richer, there is more air and you can hear all the squeaks and whirring noises of instruments like violins that are missing in action on CDs. T... 
As good as CD playback
Audioengr, Good points, I don't know if I just got lucky and my wifi environment is very good or the wireless receiver and the internal USB interface on my Oppo 105 is very good, but I'm getting excellent results. I've never used a separate wirele... 
As good as CD playback
Zmanastronomy, I think, once your setup is completed and you start using it, you'll wish you would have setup a computer audio system earlier. I know that was exactly my thought. There are a few other good sites besides A'gon, www.computeraudio.co... 
Does HiRez really sound better?
Zd542, You stated:" don't know if you'll agree with me on any of this, but maybe just this 1 thing. It would be nice if the industry would get together and set some standards as to what it considered standard, high and low resolutions."Yes, I agre... 
As good as CD playback
Zmanasastronomy, The short answer is yes. I think you'll discover that CD quality is easily attainable on all CDs that you rip to a NAS, whether you use a standard hard drive or a ssd. On hi-rez files (24bit/96khz and above), you'll probably achie... 
Does HiRez really sound better?
Zd542, You stated:"No. I said resolution. With digital, you can label something 16/44 or 24/96 or whatever. You can't do that with analog. And even if you could, it would probably be too impractical to use in the real world. Analog resolution vari... 
Does HiRez really sound better?
Zd542, I generally have an attitude of 'listen to whatever format that brings you the most enjoyment when listening to your music' and have no interest in discouraging anyone from doing this. However, I find it curious that you would object to vin... 
Does HiRez really sound better?
Mark Waldrep ia the owner of AIX Records and a hi-resolution audio proponent and supplier. He is a professor at a California university where he teaches classes on audio recording and mixing. He also posts daily articles on his website that contai... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Respected/Roger, I haven't compared these 2 amps directly but have indirectly:I own, and previously used a Class D Audio SDS-440 as my main amp in my system. Class D audio's owner, Tom Ross, told me my amp and the SDS-470C amp sound very similar.I... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Hi Mikela8, Congratulations, seems like you have your new theater's amplification covered. I think you made a very good decision going with D-Sonic amps; detailed, neutral, dynamic and effortless sound emerging from a dead quiet background produce... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Kbuzz: "My Bryson 9b runs a little to warm for my current set up, seriously thinking about a channel d sonic. Do they run warm I need cabinet placement" Hi Kbuzz, My D-Sonic M3-600M amps, even after hours of high volume usage, never get above lu... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Hi all, Just thought I'd share an update I recently posted on Dec. 23rd of 2014. It was on a thread I originally started months ago on my new class D amp quest called "HYPEX,PASCAL OR ABLETEC". Here it is:12/23/14 Update: I received my D-Sonic M3-... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Hi Guido, The new NAD looks very interesting. But I'm kind of committed to the Abletec now, since I've already bought the modules, amp cases,connectors, etc. I'm not too stressed yet; the delay has allowed me to be able to pay in cash once they're... 
Help me with a simple pre/pro challenge please?
Russ, Before I read your last paragraph (about buying an Oppo 105), I was thinking the same thing and was about to list its many benefits. But you seem to already recognize how well the 0ppo's features matches your needs, with the exception of no ...