

Responses from noble100

Digital Amplifier Questions
Thanks for the info Bombaywalla and Kijanki. I tried the test again using the AM radio. I couldn't even find an AM station that was tunable. There was too much buzzing on the whole range. I'm thinking this is caused by RF leakage from my 3 class ... 
downloading music versus cd `s quality
Hi Douglas, Thanks for the heads-up on HQPlayer. My DAC can handle DSD but I'm not sure it can handle double DSD. I'll check it out.Thanks, Tim 
Digital Amplifier Questions
Al and Guido, I'll test again using a station low on the AM dial and report back on the results. I Don't know why but I thought any RF leakage from class D amps would be closer to the FM band range.Thanks, Tim 
downloading music versus cd `s quality
Rockanroller, It sounds like you are interested in setting up a computer audio system. I recently converted my system to a primarily computer audio setup and will try to clarify a few things for you. I haven't updated my system profile yet but pla... 
As good as CD playback
Petere27, Yes, I agree. I've read that it's best to keep things in the digital domain for as long as possible and only convert from digital to analog as a final, or very close to final, step. The idea is to avoid as many conversions, both digital ... 
Digital Amplifier Questions
Guido, Well, I finally tested my amps for RF interference today; sorry it took so long. The only FM radio I had for testing was my bedroom alarm clock. I tuned it to an FM station that had very good reception and then positioned it within 2 inches... 
Is dedicated PreAmp with Oppo 105 needed?
Hits, Since you currently use your Oppo 105 as a preamp and it has no RCA audio inputs, you would require a stand alone separate preamp to be able to hook-up other components such as your Nakamichi cassette deck. The preamp would be installed betw... 
Class D at low volume
Serge, Okay, thanks for clarifying. I also agree with Chrshanl37 that class D amps seem to perform better at low volumes than other types of amps. My first class D amp was from the same company as his, ClassD Audio, but mine was an SDS-440-CS mode... 
Is dedicated PreAmp with Oppo 105 needed?
Hits, I'm a little confused about your system and desires:1. Do you currently have no preamp in your system and exclusively use the Oppo 105 as a preamp?2. If so, and you use your tape deck for music playback, how is it connected to the Oppo? I cu... 
Class D at low volume
Serge, I was looking at your initial thread posting again and you stated you're considering Lab.gruppen, Powersoft, XTL and others. These are pro amps used for large venues and not intended for home audio. I apologize that I didn't read your origi... 
Class D at low volume
Serge, You asked:"Thanks Noble100. Speaking of feedback, what do you think of Benchmark AHB2." Sorry, I've never listened to the Benchmark AHB2 or read any reviews on it yet. I've read very positive reviews on Benchmark DACs, however, and knew the... 
Class D at low volume
Serge, I agree with the previous repliers that the class D amps I've used perform very well at low to high volumes. In fact, this was one of the characteristics I was pleasantly surprised with when I installed my first class D amp in my system, a ... 
Digital Amplifier Questions
Gabdx, You replied:"I prefer Class D left disconnected at all times."I consider this both funny and sad; funny because it's a humorous and good line but sad because your fairly obvious bias against class D amplification will likely prevent you fro... 
Digital Amplifier Questions
Hi Guido, In an earlier post, you asked if I would perform your FM radio test on my D-Sonic M3-600M class D mono-blocs. Yes, I will test them and report back results on this thread when done. I'm currently use 3 class D amps in my combo 2-ch and 5... 
Digital Amplifier Questions
B limo, By 'digital amps' do you mean class d amps? 'digital amps' is a bit of a misnomer probably persisting because people believe 'class d' refers to digital, but it was just the next letter in the alphabet used to designate various types of au...