

Responses from noble100

Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
dcbingaman,     Are you stating that you're using a 5-sub Swarm system along with your pair of Vandersteen Quatro Woods that each have their own built-in sub?First, that means you have a total of 7 subs in your room.Second, I didn't know the Swarm... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
johnnyb53,Forgot you said 'I dialed in my subs With a Little Help From My Friends'(Sgt. Pepper album track).  Informative, witty and funny.... excellent.Tim  
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
johnnyb53,You stated:"I didn't mention it in this thread before, but actually I also have a pair of small subwoofers to add some depth and slam to the Maggie 1.7s. The self-canceling nature of the 1.7s minimizes the upper bass hump that's so perva... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
wolf garcia, My mistake, I thought you were looking for assistance.  With your experience, I now realize you don't need it.Tim 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
wolf garcia,     I'm definitely not an expert on bass systems or acoustics but I have a few thoughts on your situation based only on personal experience and sub research:1. I think your outdoor deck setup may work well since there are no standing ... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
erik squires,     I understand your reluctance to adopting a distributed array sub system. I was initially concerned that I'd need to move furniture and seating to properly install it.  Perhaps I was lucky since the first 2 subs sounded best, as d... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
johnnyb53,     Yes, the Magnepans do have an advantage over box spkrs in terms of quality of bass.  I have much older 2,7 Magnepans than you but, when I switched amps fro an older Aragon class A/B amp (200 watts@4ohms) to a new pair of class D mon... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
     I wanted to clarify the descriptions of the Debra and Swarm bass systems by adding a couple of quotes from the James Romeyn Audio & Music website  (jamesromeyn.com ):" Dr. Robert E. Greene is Senior Editor at The Absolute Sound Magazine ... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
       I talked to James Romeyn this afternoon and here's how he described the differences between his Debra and the Audio Kinesis Swarm bass systems:They're basically the same systems and perform about the same.  James' company sells the Debra sy... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
pryso,     You wrote:" Hi Tim,I'm a bit confused.  Is the DEBRA designed by/built for Romeyn and is similar to the Audiokinesis Swarm, or is it an additional Audiokinesis product sold by Romeyn?Your first link from Romeyn's site does not identify... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
Johnnyb53,      You wrote:" Or, for $2800 you can let the Audiokinesis Swarm 4-sub system do the heavy lifting".Absolute Sound review.http://www.audiokinesis.com/the-swarm-subwoofer-system-1.html.      I read the entire Absolute Sound review on ... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
musicman,   That's a unique setup.  I was initially planning on buying 2 very good quality subs like your RELs  and place them in the front corners behind my panel speakers.  I was also thinking of experimenting by putting 1 in a front corner and ... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
mcloughlin,     Very interesting.  I can verify that this array works very well for ht.  Watching a movie, it doesn't seem like they're even on but the impact ,when a scene calls for significant bass, is startling.and makes the video content more ... 
Oppo for HT & stereo without a processor?
boomzilla,dpphd is correct, I remember he and I both responded on a similar thread about a year ago.  We both have systems that utilize the Oppo-105; although he uses a prepro while I go direct to multiple class D amps.     I originally used a VTL... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
ZI forgot to answer your question on whether I'm local to James; I'm in Indiana.Tim