
Responses from no_money

Rolling Stones remasters
found Exile on main street and Goats head soup. Both in jewel cases and mastered by Ludwig. Does any one know of other "rock" music he has mastered? he seems to be the one who gets it right. 
cal. audio ikon mkII power boss upgrade
I found the CJ pre-amp IMO to be the best money I have spent in the system yet. Well.... the amp too but it cost 3x what the pre amp did, so I expected it to perform. 
Biggest hype-worst tweak
Had the same experience as Redkiwi, Blacklight took away all of the air and made it way to dark for me. 
cal. audio ikon mkII power boss upgrade
I am running mine through CJ pv10a pre, Proceed HPA 2 amp and ML aeruis i speakers, not getting any glare and I enjoy the sound as it is, but you know how it is allways have to wonder what you might be missing. I used to have Transparent wave conn... 
Is this the sound of clipping?
how old is old? sounds like you might have some problems with the woofers. If an amp clips it clips the entire signal not just the lows, you will usually notice when your tweeter and mid no longer work. 
headphone pre-amps
Headroom super sounds great, easy transportable system with the gig bag too. 
What makes / defines an audiophile ?
yea, I meant that too. Just not rap. 
Interconnects for Tube amps
Lamapp, how does the CJ player sound? Currently have Cal. Ikon MKII going into CJ PV10a. 
What makes / defines an audiophile ?
An open mind, and your gear didn't come from Circuit City or Best Buy. 
cal. audio ikon mkII power boss upgrade
Dekay, I have black diamond cones and "those things" under the player and everything in the system is wired with Transparent "super" including the pc. I also had some dots applied to some of the components inside, I think they where Marigo? or som... 
POWER: conditioners vs filters vs cords
I have had good results with power wedge 116, you might find one used in your budget. As with the above post though, you will want to try your amp with and without it. 
New Speaker Cable for New System
stick with Transparent. 
Why does it sound less dynamic?
I agree with Joe. Dvd players are for dvds,unless you go to the VERY high end. Look for a used transport. It shouldn't run you too much. 
Interconnects for Tube amps
Transparent are also networked and if you buy into the premium line, about $450.00 they offer a upgrade program from there so if you do you will not lose your initial investment. 
Single-ended amps with Martin Logans
Cornfed, A YUGO!!!! come on. Its at least a nice sedan,