
Responses from ngjockey

My amp has no faults
Faults give it character.... Character faults. 
What is best way to learn to build own equipment?
Just say no. It's addictive.Start simple. Like a little passive volume control. Lots of kits to choose from with a quick google. Dantimax is one example. Bent Audio still supports DIY guys. 
Big, big room -- which 10-20k speakers?
How far will the speakers be from the back wall? If 4' or more, I saw some used Genesis 200's (dipole hybrids) listed but they have the older-style Carver ribbons. Serenity Acoustics is a brand new venture that displayed at RMAF with the OB/servo ... 
suggestions please
If you liked the Paradigms, you might also like NHT Fours. 
King of the one liners
Did I ever mention that I once met Don Cherry and Blue, his dog. 
Going monoblock?
The SF Ellipsa is 4 ohm nominal, 2.5 ohms minimum and have a phase angle at 70 Hz that eats current. They really don't go that low into the bass and roll off quickly after the port tuning at 32 Hz. So the question becomes, how much power can they ... 
Best of both worlds..Image and slam to sound almost as big. 
Bargain amps and preamps with XLR connections?
Good use of XLR means fully differential, IMHO. relation.Assuming passive not included.Fully differential amps aren't u... 
Flat impedance curve?
2 ohms at 10000 Hz is not much of problem because there's not much amp draw there. 2 ohms at 100 Hz will be a problem for most amps. I would be surprised if the maximum is 10 ohms for any dynamic driver getting near Fs. 
Will my biamping dreams come true ?? 
Can "Dark"Sounding Speakers Be "Brightened"UP???
Audiocap 0.01 uF's from Parts Express used as bypass caps (parallel to the high pass cap) helped for my recent project. 
How big of a difference do amps make?
Charles1dad:I have no axe to grind on either side of this argument. Who am I to say what someone else should prefer? Just appreciate someone standing against peer pressure.The point I eluded to was that the ears hear but the brain interprets. It's... 
How big of a difference do amps make?
Congratulations Elizabeth. Don't drink the Kool Aid. It's not what we hear, it's what we think we hear. Often, cause and effect are not as direct as we assume. 
DIY Amp Preamp building
DIY means Do It Yourself, not "building me one".You can get kits like Transcendant and Bottlehead and start to learn what you're paying for, except for design, which is significant and costly.Ralph, is Atmasphere still offering kits? 
Recommended Soldering Iron
Some of us don't always need a professional grade Rigid when a Ryobi at a third the price will last for years of occasional use. Radio Shack has a nice digital soldering station. Probably a rebranded Chinese clone of something.