
Responses from newton

Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
I haven't hear the MMMicro's yet. I wish the company would set up a national dealer network so most folks could go to a local store and hear them. I am very reluctant to buy a pair without extensive listening (not at a show) and with a variety of ... 
Epos Elan 10 speaker
Richard8655,I've done more listening. With classical music (orchestral, ensemble) I was easily able to discern the improvements the Elan 10 made over the M5i. The midrange is significantly cleaner, thus it's easy to heard individual group lines. M... 
Epos Elan 10 speaker
Hi Richard,I've started listening to them(Elan 10). The midbass/bass is definitely cleaner sounding. In the midrange there's greater transparency, so lines are easier to follow. I'll have more to say once I let them break in further. All of my com... 
Epos Elan 10 speaker
I did order a pair and they just arrived but I haven't had time to set them up yet. They are replacing a pair of Mi5's which I truly enjoyed. I'm hoping the Elan 10 will be a further improvement in the refinement of Epos bookshelf speaker sound. I... 
Harman Kardon HK 990 integrated amplifier
Hi Ths364--- my thoughts exactly. I will demo it as soon as I can. As it really hasn't been reviewed yet, it may be a good bargain flying under the radar. 
Magneplanar 3.7 - recommended preamp and amp
Atmasphere- thanks for your comments. i have used a tube preamp with a solid state amp and it worked fine together. I will look at this again for the new speakers. I will however be going with a solid state amp. I'll look into the Mogami wires. 
Magneplanar 3.7 - recommended preamp and amp
Thanks for everyone's response. I am open to using a tube preamp coupled to a solid state amp (I've done that before). I'll look in them. Jallen- for Pass amps do you think there are some that would provide enough drive and yet be within my price ... 
Song covers that are better than the originals
I've learned that the choice of music preferences is a very personal thing. Having said that I will say that the first song that comes to mind is Fire and Rain as done by Blood Sweat and Tears. I find it so much more interesting musically than the... 
Magico - a new Mini?
Our responses here can serve as good feedback to Magico. Perhaps they will make a V1 version of the Mini to accommodate those of us would prefer the wood look. 
Magico - a new Mini?
IMHO - The weight of the evidence is on the side of Magico. We'll find out more about the Q1 in the coming months. Stenheim has to prove themselves. From what I know Goldmund speakers never caught on in the US in any big way. If Stenheim can creat... 
Magnepan 3.7
Has anyone heard it at this past week? 
Magico - a new Mini?
James63 - thanks for finding this thread and providing your update. The Mini II is no longer listed in their website's product section, but the backplate of the Mini appears on one of their main pages---perhaps a tease for products to come!Anyway,... 
Magico - a new Mini?
thanks for the information. While aluminum may be more neutral sounding there are a number of us who like the wood/metal combination look and find it more fitting in a home environment where you can't have a dedicated room. But I understand Wolf's... 
Merlin TSM-MX-r Owner Review
Great review- clear, balanced, and thoughtful. Enjoy your speakers! Thanks for taking time to write it up! 
New Magnepan 1.7 Owner
Hi - It's great to have a dealer to work with on setup. I bought Mag 3.6 speakers and Nick was great at setting them up and advising on distances to rear wall, etc. They are also helpful in electronics matching and are sensitive to people's budget...