Responses from newton
Wilson Alexx V Carey1110 - agree with your comments. A lot of new development has gone into making it (new V material, capacitors, mid range, tweeter). I haven't heard it yet.. I do like the open sides too. It appears that Michael Fremer has leap frogged over... | |
CAT cable installation - NYC electrician recommendation Thanks Mike! | |
CAT cable installation - NYC electrician recommendation Thanks Erik ---I'll probably go with Cat 6 shielded. My needs are audio and not over a long distance. | |
Ayre or Bryston separates for Harbeth 30.2 XD speaker Thanks for your comments - I spoke with a dealer who carries both lines. He suggested that I audition the Ayre products and thinks that while they cost more, will sound better. Will follow up. | |
Harbeth P3ESR vs the new XD As someone suggested above, buy what is available as you may have to wait a while for the XD's to be available. Depends on your urgency --- both are fine model versions. I waited for my XD's and am very happy with the sound---I can't compare it ... | |
Speaker Cables and Connectors My suggestion is to match your speaker cable with your amplifier --- and not with the speaker. Your dealer can help advise on what cables work well with your amplifier (or cal the amplifier company and ask them). | |
Cable connect to Harbeth 30 2.0 Ctwith3 --- can you describe the sound of your new 30.2 XDs? How are they placed in your room? What stands are you using? I just order a pair --my first Harbeths. | |
Magico A3 vs Magico S1 MK2 A3 owners: what is the distance from the front wall you've found works well? I can do 2 ft ---is that enough to avoid uneven bass?thanks--- | |
Revel speakers - dealer scuttlebutt 1) Johnk's comment doesn't make any sense --- no facts supporting it. Comment about Revel used prices has no statistical validity and no evidence of dealer "nervousness". 2) ctsooner2 - which dealer said that? | |
Revel speakers - dealer scuttlebutt Thanks rocray178 for your comments. Others replies largely say the same, and I couldn't find any info to suggest any truth to it. | |
Revel speakers - dealer scuttlebutt Thanks for the footer comment ctsoner2.Markun01 --- what speaker brand did you buy? | |
Speaker Cables for Revel Studio Ultima. Ask speaker and amplifier designers and they will tell you what you want is the right cable for your amplifier, not speaker (speaker cable is a misnomer). | |
New Revell PerformaBe speakers Think it is better as it has the latest beryllium tweeter assembly (better than what is in Salon/Studio). | |
Revel speakers - dealer scuttlebutt forgot to add ---- has anyone tried the GAIA III floor discs? I haven't setup the spikes yet, just using the rubber feet. | |
Revel speakers - dealer scuttlebutt I went ahead and purchased the F35s (in black) as a pathway to better ones (the BE floorstanders are on the radar and others I'm waiting to hear). Does anyone have an idea of breakin time needed? Do you face them toed-in or not?How far do you re... |