
Responses from newbee

New Room Long wall or short wall?
Short wall but toe in speakers substantially to avoid side wall reflections that will exist because you will have to put the speakers near the side walls to get any spread in your soundstage. Try crossing axis of speakers in front of your listenin... 
Rogue Cronus an upgrade over the PrimaLuna PL1?
You might try some different power tubes in the Prologue One. SED 6550's are not ever going to sound dark and moody even with Mullards to compensate for the linearity of the 6550's. I tried. While the Prologue One has adjustible bias its internal ... 
Tube Rolling and the Quest for "perfect sound"
If you are seriously driven by a 'Quest for Perfect Sound' you are already doomed to failure. It doesn't exist, in audio or anything for that matter. You could be as happy with multiple possibilities just as much as one. It's OK to like Blonds, Br... 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
Not really Mapman, with earphones you loose the open soundstage effect of a well set up system which I value as I know you do as well. Although not stated I recognize that there are speaker designs which depend on reflections for their imaging cha... 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
In my mind the 'overdamping' issue just serves to demonstrate that our systems (most anyway) are best served by being heard in rooms which add information (from reflections) which are not in the source. No one listens to music in an anechoic chamb... 
Speaker cables for 4 ohm speakers
I see, you want a SS amp to sound like a tube amp in all of its best attribhutes with none of the downsides associated with running tubes. Good luck! If you succeed be sure to get a copy right and market it. All of us tube owners (or most anyway) ... 
Speaker cables for 4 ohm speakers
I think I understand now. You are comparing the sonics of the two amps using the same cable (Canare) and find the sound of the CSi to be different than the Modwright in a less than flattering way. You would like to change the cable to improve the ... 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
I'm no longer sure what folks here believe the issue is evidenced by. FWIW I measure the low level resolution by the height/width/depth of the soundstage. Tmsorosk, FWIW I agree with you in part. My experience with electostatic speakers (Quad 63s ... 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
Bad beans I think. With some discrimination as well as expert advise I'd imagine you could do better. :-) 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
I'd guess that your present speakers couldn't use all of the power presently available to them with your amp, and even if they could you would leave the room or loose some hearing! :-)Personally, just on principal alone, if I were in your place I ... 
Speaker cables for 4 ohm speakers
Yes. Use the two positives spades together and and the two negative spades together. You can use any of the sets of binding posts you wish. Personally I always use the bass posts but I must admit, I'm not a religious person when it comes to the is... 
Matching up speakers and amps
I agree with Timlub's sentiments. But just getting a tubed pre-amp can be a very fruitful venture and worth the effort. Getting a tubed amp can come latter after you've figured out the tubed pre-amp issues (it is wonderful to be able to adjust ton... 
Speaker cables for 4 ohm speakers
Out of curiosity have you tried not bi-wiring with the Canare and just using it single wired running it at its 11 gauge when both wires are combined? At a 12ft run the extra 3ga might help. If it does you can just buy another 12 run and use it for... 
Can I hook up speakers without using the ground?
Al, Thanks for your comments. This amp has an adjustable feedback loop and its effect on the sound when I had it mis-connected was huge. That's how I knew something was wrong, apart from a tonal balance shift towards more of everything except high... 
Can I hook up speakers without using the ground?
I misspoke - I hooked the return run up to the 8 ohm tap. Sorry about that. :-)