Responses from newbee
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000 Yes, I used a set for several years and was very happy with them. I actually preferred them to some high end ($25 ft) cable. Google 'Canare 4S11 speaker cable' and you will find lots of user comments and merchants other than Blue Jeans which BTW s... | |
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000 LOL, I forgot to mention - It is a Canare 4S11 star quad sold by Blue Jeans. | |
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000 Sunnyjim, A cable recommendation for you. Problem is that it comes in a grey jacket and is too cheap to be good. But it has good electrical values and is neutral to the source. I think it is a great 'value' cable that will not degrade in any way t... | |
Is it time to upgrade FWIW, sources are always the best place to look to when you are contemplating a change to, generically speaking, improve the sound of your system. However, differences in the sound from same format sources, like SS digital v SS digital, can be ver... | |
What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like? Reflecting back on something so long ago is always fun. FWIW I'm still very comfortable with the term 'resolution' I preferred as expressed in my first post. But we need not go back there again. :-) | |
How to get the impact of a live concert? Take a moment and go to Audio Asylum. There is a current thread in the 'General' forum discussing the importance of Dynamic's and what that term means. It is an excellent post and some of the contributors also discuss the practical ramifications o... | |
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000 Nasaman, Judging from Al's post Sunnyjim's speakers will be a good neutral test for the differences between cable and he will be able to hear the synergism that he has already established between his electronics and his speakers. Then he can attri... | |
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000 Sonnyjim, I'll chill out. I didn't recognize your level of experience by your post. I thought you just might be another audio enthusiast with poor synergy in his basic system, not recognizing this, and thinking he could solve all of the synergy is... | |
Sovtek 6N23P-EV / 6H23P-EB NOS for AI Modulus 3A? Perhaps a local technician could diagnose your problem and fix it. You don't always need the manufacturer to repair thier products, although some times it does help if you can do so. Check around and find a recommended repair agency in your countr... | |
Sovtek 6N23P-EV / 6H23P-EB NOS for AI Modulus 3A? The reason for the hiss in both channels in the line stage is likely because the tubes, both of them, are just too noisy for the lines stage. This is counter intuitive because typically phono stages require quieter tubes than line stages, i.e. tub... | |
Sovtek 6N23P-EV / 6H23P-EB NOS for AI Modulus 3A? Before I respond to your post assuming it is a tube issue could you clarify for me what you are hearing.As described I interpret your posts to say that when your original tubes (the 6H23's) are in the phono stage you are getting a hiss in the left... | |
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000 It is not your cable that makes a sound, musical or otherwise. Cable is not additive, musical, etc. It is your sources and their integration with your speakers that make the sounds. Poor cable selection can exacerbate problematic characteristics o... | |
Will Vincent st-70 upgrade If you only have one set of outputs that switch could, alternatively to Marakenetz's comments, change the output impedance from 8 to 4 ohms ala some Cary amps. Just a WAG though. Maybe another owner will actually know. | |
New Room Long wall or short wall? Short wall but toe in speakers substantially to avoid side wall reflections that will exist because you will have to put the speakers near the side walls to get any spread in your soundstage. Try crossing axis of speakers in front of your listenin... | |
Rogue Cronus an upgrade over the PrimaLuna PL1? You might try some different power tubes in the Prologue One. SED 6550's are not ever going to sound dark and moody even with Mullards to compensate for the linearity of the 6550's. I tried. While the Prologue One has adjustible bias its internal ... |