
Responses from newbee

New level of ridiculousness
Or they can buy a gun. Personally I prefer they sell 'ridiculously priced' power strips, just pointing them at someone else. Economic times are getting tough for audio manufacturers. :-) 
Can a heavy tonearm be agile ?
Either types of arms can work just fine. The trick is in matching the cartridge's compliance with the tone arm's mass. Either type of arm can be very satisfactory if properly matched to the cartridge and vis a versa. BTW, this is scientific, i.e. ... 
Audio Research SP-8 with CD
A cop out solution. Put some fixed 10db attenuators in either of two places; 1)between the CD output and an AUX imput, or on a set of cables in the tape loop. The latter can be inserted anytime with any source by flipping the tape switch, and prob... 
No love. Why?
Probably because they have heard them in a different set up than yours with a different source, different amp, different room, and most importantly different expectations. Wait 'til you have a chance to hear their POS. :-)Just relax, ignore the co... 
neutrality vs musicality
Too many false gods around for me. When you define 'musical' I'll be in a better position to respond. For that matter take a shot at defining 'neutrality' unless you mean the obvious, replicating the recorded signal. Of course neither replicating ... vs. Stereo Times
Tab110s, Thank you - I missed Chip Stern's piece. It is very interesting, even if long. :-)Sort of validates my opinion of SE which I formed from a meeting with him when he worked for Mesa promoting the Baron. LOL when I look back - no one warned ... 
I can't handle digital after analog light my fire
FWIW if folks invested as much time and effort in setting up a good digital system as they must do to set up a good vinyl system I think they would be greatly surprised. Both formats can be excellent, but neither is plug and play. Who really cares... 
Small speaker suggestions
Agree w/Schubert. A number of years ago I heard stacked pairs at Silverline's store playing some jazz. Just amazing listening quasi nearfield. I almost bought them even though I didn't need them (bought the Bolero's). 
ARC SP16 vs SP8
Good imaging usually starts with a set up of a triangle. Seat perhaps 10 to 15 percent further away from the speakers than the speakers are apart from each other. An equalateral triangle is a great place to start. FWIW. vs. Stereo Times
I agree with Mapman's comments about John Potis. His leaving the site was a loss but his subsequent passing was a huge loss. Interestingly he was at least one of their reviewers who was unafraid of the effects of negative reviews even when they we... vs. Stereo Times
I stopped reading 6moons a couple of years ago. I have long suspected a quid pro quo arrangement between advertisers, merchants and 6moons which casts doubts, for me at least, on the value of the reviews. Examples, from my POV at least, abound, bu... 
Singer sounds lower than ear level, help raise it
I'm a clairvoyant. That is a necessity and part of the job description! I think! Besides the OP referred to a tweeter in the original post so I was willing to assume the speaker had a driver covering the mid-range as well. Maybe even a bass driver... 
How to work the bias switch on a Prologue Classic?
Here is a WAG. It allows you to switch from big power tubes, i.e. 6550's/KT88's etc to smaller power tubes i.e. EL34's/6L6/5881/KT77, etc. The amp probably has two different settings internally, one for each class of tubes, yet within each range e... 
??slight hum from the speakers ?
A slight hum coming from a tubed pre-amp could be from poor contact between the tube pins and the socket, or noisy tubes. Try removing and replacing tubes, tensioning the contacts in the tube sockets if you can, or having a spare pair and change t... 
companies that modify equipment...opinions
Reminds me of the saying about 'fools rushing in.....'. I find it amusing to see folks who immediately have a unit mod'd when they haven't even heard it and how often mod'd stuff appears in a for sale ad just after a mod is performed. And, concurr...