
Responses from newbee

Speaker placement Quandary
Not really. They are all excellent but different musical formats and instruments. I don't know about downloads, but the CD's and Vinyl recordings came with a description of each cut and what was on display sonically. You really need that.  I enjo... 
Speaker placement Quandary
OP (and Skinzy), I don’t know what you are using as a reference for ’depth of image’ but ’depth of image’ is not so much because of set up, once you have a good set up drilled down, i.e. 5’ +/- from the wall behind the speakers and first reflectio... 
Room acoustics basics
Earl Geddes wrote what might be considered by many a definitive book on the subject of acoustics.   
KEF LS60: Distance from wall behind them
Don't know about LS 60 vs KEF Reference but FWIW always found speakers placed only a few feet from the walls behind them tend to sound flat imaging wise (probably with enhanced bass) whereas a monitor speaker usually had greater clarity and 'depth... 
Speaker placement Quandary
I have box speakers, ports on rear, 3way. My room is similar to yours except a bit larger in all dimensions and a 9' ceiling. Regarding 'depth of image' minimum distance from the wall behind them is 4ft. Best imaging is about 5'. Speakers 9.5' apa... 
Amp first approach to build a system. Anyone did it ?
And it would be a SS amp?  
Getting into the music
RV in exchange for your recommendation for Mussorgsky's Pictures (in another thread) I offer you Kantorow's version of Rachmaninoff's PC #1 on BIS. Of my 8 other versions this fits me best, sonically and musically. I highly recommend it to you. I ... 
What percentage of digital vs. analog?
I got out of vinyl about 15 years ago. My collection is substantial but all in CD’s. I’ve not let my computer into my music room (yet). My music is 80 percent classical, the remainder jazz. I’m retired and mostly at home. My system goes on at abou... 
Getting into the music
Been there, done that. I solved this problem somewhat by intentionally dumbing down my system. Apart from my speakers, there is stuff out there that is much better than what I have now but I ignore that, don't think about it. I try to make my few ... 
Have you asked yourself this question?
  Sell? No. I gave mine (and record collection) to my grandson in law who is enjoying the hell out of it. Most of the music I want to hear was in my CD collection and I rarely used it, although I'd have to admit a great record on it was simply ou... 
"I'm a believer"
FWIW, while speakers are the single most important component in your system, I can't agree that diminishing returns is relevant, but 'relevance' can only be determined until after you have 1) Developed listening skills, and 2) Determined what soun... 
rvpiano, Warning! You're tweaking your knobs again and taking a path sure to lead you back into audio hell. :-) Really, the only thing that needs a steady hand is IMHO installing and adjusting a cartridge. As you did with anti-skate you can do VT... 
Tube amplifier - tube bias and time to warm up
Whart, FWIW that works when you are starting up an amp wherein the tubes have already been biased, but for putting in new tubes you start with 0 bias and work upward 'til you reach the appropriate bias needed.  
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
I'm running Silverline Bolero's and can't think of a good reason to change them. I highly recommend them to folks who want music more than 'audio'. Easy to drive, easy to listen to. Love those Dynaudio drivers as implemented there in.    
My High End Audio Gear As A Long Term Investment!!!
Like many here I'm an old fart too. My speakers are fixed, my set-up is fixed (pretty much), but I'm still thinking about how I can deal with my loss of HF without changing mid-range. I can deal with loss of a bit of volume, but loss of HF info is...