
Responses from newbee

Tubes... what do they do?...
"Tubes, what do they do?"Warm your room and your soul! :-)Sorry, I couldn't resist. 
Warm and Detailed S.S. Amp?
Hey Marco, Warm in relationship to what! Maybe that upperbass lower midrange 'emphasis/coloration' is actually not either, but represents the sound of live music. :-)Just kidding, sort of. BUT one's description is always relative to their experien... 
The importance of proper set-up
Doug, One thing that never seems to get discussed when folks talk about VTA and the need for fine adjustments, or any but the most gross for that matter, is the type of stylus they are using. I suspect some folks with good systems and ears who don... 
Anyone heard Underwood level1 3910 mod?
Kisisam, Up front - I know nothing about your 3910 modded Denon. I'm reacting to your proposed tube change and I'm speculating. Arn't the Mullards noted for a warmth which might be contra-indicated, especially if you are finding the mod'd Denon ov... 
The importance of proper set-up
Madness indeed! Without denying at all, or minimizing, the effect of properly set VTA/VTF I can recall all of the trips from my listening chair to the turn table to give another tweek of the VTA, id infinitum. I wonder when I ever found time to ac... 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 VS Consonance Droplet
Tickfight, I assume that you have already done this but in case you haven't take a moment and read the reviews that were done on 6moons by its owner. He reviewed the Consonance Droplet and the latest 'linear' Consonance 120. The interesting part o... 
Mendelssohn Piano Concerto
Not an SACD, but an excellent recording and performance - Stephen Hough on Hyperion. Volume 17 of "The Romantic Piano Concerto". Also includes No 2, and three other pieces. This is an excellent series of lesser known piano concertos for anyone cur... 
Two systems in the same room
Here is a thought. First I assume you can afford speakers which will accomodate both types equally well. Just set up a second set of electronics for the same speakers - one tube based for vocals, soul, and jazz, the other SS based for rock, etc. H... 
Review: Raysonic 128 CDP CD Player
What tubes you should use will depend on your priorities and associated equipment. I've used 6h23's, NOS sovteks, EI's, New and NOS Teslas. With the Primaluna stuff w/6550 I like the stock EH tubes. With KT88's I like EI's and 6h23's. This CDP is ... 
effect of tubes in cd players
"Does it change the sound a lot?"Obviously it depends on how you define 'lot'. I think tube CDP's do sound different from SS CDP's generically speaking, but there are some fine SS CDP's. What makes the difference for me is the ability to fine tune... 
PRat: a DAC or transport thing?
FWIW, in my limited experience I have come to believe that the sense of PRAT has more to do with any components ability the recreate the initial or leading edge of the note, get the rise time right and you've got half of the battle won. Then get t... 
Listening out of the Sweet Spot - What Works?
Here's a dumbo answer! You're no longer listening to all of the soundstaging clues and you are listening just to the music when you are in a nearby room. If your equipment is not matched and optimally set up the angst you experience in not getting... 
Trying to extract more from my Vandersteen
Well, here is another vote for speakers. Your present electronics will support a fairly good system. However, choose carefully or you may end up in the group of audiophiles who go out and buy the 'best' and spend the rest of their audiophile life ... 
Embedded rumble... on LP's that is...
OK, inpepinn...I just got out my American Heritage dictionary...Infrasonic exactly fits the discription as you indicated it should/would, however an alternative definition (2) was sub-sonic. Take that!!!! :-) 
Embedded rumble... on LP's that is...
Will my education never end! Boy life's tough for a newbee! :-)