
Responses from newbee

Best CD
Re Shadorne's recommendation - Yep, that is a good one, but if your speakers are up to it, and your listeners are going to be impressed by 'big sound' get something with an organ substituting for a piano, playing the original version of Mussorgsky... 
Seeking advice on tube amps
T, I relize you have now committed to the 'speaker first' process, which I highly indorse (like Tvad, I have wasted a lot of money trying speakers without paying enuf attention to proper amp matching, just using what I had on hand), but FWIW slowi... 
Silverline Sonata III & McIntosh MC275?
Samzx12, FWIW, but do not conclude that I agree with your premise about Alans promotion of Pass Amps. When I went to his 'show room' which is VERY modest, to audition my speakers, listen to the III's, as well as some stacked mini's, the Pass Amps ... 
Best CD
Well, the first thing I do is ask guests what they like and try to accomodate their tastes. Nothing more boring for a guest than to have to listen to music that they neither understand nor enjoy just so you can 'show off' your system.Most of my fa... 
Silverline Sonata III & McIntosh MC275?
I haven't found the set up of my Silverlines any different that any other similar full range dynamic speakers I've used. They all worked a couple of feet from the wall behind them, the bass was a bit uneven, and the soundstage depth was compressed... 
Who's your guitar daddy now?
For a classical guitarist, based on what I just heard live Friday night, I would add Sharon Isbin to your list. I just ordered a half dozen of her CD's - it will be interesting to see how she sounds recorded, but live was just outstanding. Don't l... 
Why are "low hours" a consideration?
Rx8man, Re 'memory' issues. Consider that some professional musicians and instrument makers will argue that a new instrument will, thru the break in process, take on the signature of the musician using it and which might be an impediment to future... 
Silverline Sonata III & McIntosh MC275?
Jim, In defense of Tvad, although he has his own voice and can speak for himself, this thread is getting a bit long. Now I'll make it a bit longer rather than hear you guys wrangle. In my opinion Tvad has exacting expectations (don't we all!) and ... 
A new CDP after my Rega Apollo or a new DAC?
Well I've been running a Raysonic 128 with a Cayin A100T. Up until recently I thought it a big, dynamic, and warm sound but not having as much resolution as I like. A simple change from 4ohm taps to 8 ohm taps on the Cayin was all it took to resto... 
Anyone running a solid state preamp and tube amp?
You might like to check the archives. This question was posted by Morgandogge at the end of February "Is solid state pre-amp and tube amp a good combo'. Lots of discussion there. 
Silverline Sonata III & McIntosh MC275?
You want to know the sonic differences between the I and the III. Unless some one here has actually owned both you may have to rely on a mixing of the reviews on Soundstage (I believe) and 6moons. I like Potis' comments on 6moons. I bought the Bol... 
How do you train your ears?
The guitarist was Sharon Isbin. She said the name of her guitar, I didn't get a clear understanding of the name, but it started with 'H' and might have been Holzgruber. I did a search and its tonal description matched my recall. There is a picture... 
How do you train your ears?
Listening skills are IMHO developed when you have a 'reference' and a 'goal'. If you don't know what is possible you don't have a reference. If you don't have a goal you don't know exactly what to listen for. I agree with T Bone (mostly), you don'... 
amp is taken it`s time to power up
Don't know Quicksilver designs, but what I'd guess is that if they have a slow start feature during which the amp is muted for the first 3 to 5 minutes, one of the amps is coming up too quickly OR, more likely, the other is just coming up too slow... 
'In Home Dealers' are the future?
"Not fair to the dealer network"What dealer network, brick and mortar dealers? I din't know there were enuf left for the manufacturer/distributor to bother with that hassle. I guess that for really expensive stuff we could get on a plane and fly i...